Page 25 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 25

Nature’s connect


                 Hamara Daayitva

             “The greatest threat  to  our  planet  is the     very poor that could never be imagined by
             belief that someone else will save it!”           our ancestors in previous time.

             Let’s nurture the nature so that we can have          By consistently misusing the resources in
             a better future.The world   ENVIRON  is  a        our ecosystem, we have irreparably
             French word  means  surrounded  or  encir-        damaged  it. As a result of human-caused
             cled. So it refers to all ecological units which   technological growth, pollution of the air,
             are naturally present on earth in the form of     land, water, and soil, as well as
             land, water, air, soil, forest, sunlight, miner-  deforestation, acid rain, and other deadly
             als, living organisms, etc. this earth is full of   natural calamities, is increasing daily and
             natural surroundings,  some  are biotic and       everywhere on Earth.
             some are non-biotic.
                                                                   The world is currently experiencing a hor-
                 Biotic elements are those  element  that has   rible condition with respect to pollution due
             life like human, bird, animal, plants and         to the growth of factories,  industries, and
             micro-organisms. Where as non biotic              other forms of transportation. The problem
             elements are those which have no life like air,   has  gotten so  bad  that the UN-affiliated
             sunlight, water, land, soil, minerals, etc.
             Further it is also divided among four different   scientific group  IPCC (Intergovernmental
             spheres viz. Biosphere, lithosphere,              panel on Climate Change) has determined
             atmosphere and hydrosphere.                       that the planet is currently experiencing
                                                               "Global Warming" as a result of the elevated
                 Currently, the situation of environment is    levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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