Page 43 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 43

Khel khel Mein…

       Say No to single use plastic!
       Say No to single use plastic!

            Say yes to edible cutlery!!
             Say yes to edible cutlery!!

                                                            Preheat oven to  375 degree


                                                            Pour sugar syrup into a medium size bowl and
                                                            gradually add  flour until the mixture is thick
                                                            that can  be no  longer stirred  Transfer  dough
                                                            bath on a surface and  knead it for 1 minute. Roll
                                                            this dough out into a thin, 1/4″-thick sheet.

                                                            Cut out your utensils

                                                            Place utensils on a
                                                            parchment-lined baking sheet
                                                            and bake for about 30
                                                            minutes or until they are
                                                            golden brown. Edible utensils
                                                            cool off in few minutes, and
                   They are Eco                             then can be used to eat.


                                               They help limit plastic waste and are completely biodegradable.
                                          Plastic cutlery is usually made of polypropylene and
                     poly -    styrene, which can take over 400 years to photodegrade. Producing just one
         pound of plastic cutlery can take           up to 78 liters of water and release 2.5 lbs of
         Carbon- Di-Oxide, Edible utensils, on the other hand, are made up  of safe-to-eat ingredients.

                They are functional,                 Team behind!

                     Delicious &


                                                                                            They are
          Simran & Mahi
           Class IX, SKV                                                              soup-er for your
           Mandi Village                                                                       Soup
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