Page 43 - final Nai Udaan september 2024
P. 43

Fun facts on Water
                    Fun Facts

                    Hot water freezes                    A laser can get trapped in water
                    faster than  cold
                    water                                A    cool     thing
                                               called “total internal reflec-
          This  may seem  counterintui-        tion” happens when you
          tive, but it’s called  the           point a laser beam at a jet of
          Mpemba effect. Scientists now        flowing water. To  demon-
          believe this  is  because  the       strate this phenomenon,
          velocities  of  water particles      PBS     Learning      Media
          have a specific disposition          released a video in which a
          while they’re hot that allows        laser is positioned  on one
          them to freeze more readily. If      side of a clear tank of water. When the light travels through the
          proven correct, this finding         water, it is slowed by the heavier particles in the water, effectively
          could also be applied to every-      “trapping” the laser beam in the water. Even as the water flow is
          day things, like cooling down        gradually decreased, the laser beam remains contained inside the
          electronic devices, according        jet, until it eventually disappears when the water is turned off
          to research out of Universidad       completely. Speaking of lasers, did you know that your iPhone can
          Carlos III de Madrid.                be hacked with a laser pointer? You do now!

          Earth’s oxygen is produced by the ocean

                     Have you ever stopped to think where oxygen comes from? Your first thought may be a rain-
                     forest, but here’s a cool science fact for you: We can thank plant-based marine organisms for
                     all that fresh air, according to the National Oceanic Service. Plankton, seaweed, and other
                     photosynthesizers produce more than half of the world’s oxygen. While we may know the
                  answer to this question, scientists still can’t explain these other ocean mysteries.

          Animals  use  Earth’s              An Estimated 50% of Child Malnutrition Linked to Unsafe Water
          magnetic field for ori-
          entation                                      Malnutrition occurs when a person’s diet doesn’t incorporate
                                                        enough proper nutrients. When a child suffers from diarrhea
                     Lost        land                   illnesses caused by unsafe water, they do not absorb the
                     animals may not                    vitamins  and  minerals  needed  to  thrive.  Malnourished
                      be able to find                 children may be shorter or thinner compared to healthy children
                      their       way        in the same age group.
                    home, but sea            A cloud can weigh around a million pounds
          animals might. According
          to the U.S.  Geological            Your childhood dreams of floating on a weightless cloud may not
          Survey (USGS), “there is                                             withstand this science fact: The
          evidence      that    some                                              average cumulus cloud can
          animals,  like sea  turtles       Aditi Gupta                            weigh up to a million pounds,
                                                     Shiwansh Singh
          and salmon, have the              TGT Natural Science                     according to the USGS. That’s about
                                                     5th F, Balvant Ray
          ability to sense the Earth’s      SKV No. 1,    Mehta                     as heavy as the world’s largest jet
          magnetic field and can use        Keshavpuram                            when it’s  completely full of cargo and
                                                      Vidya bhawan
          this sense for navigation.”                                             passengers.
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