Page 42 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 42

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                  1-Carbon  Dioxide Stimulates  the             7-To shatter a glass the frequency of
                  female  mosquito and we  expel  the           sound  waves  should  be  around  550
                  most CO2 near our face.                       Hz.

                  2-During a person’s life, they breathe        8-According to giant- impact theory,
                  about 75 million gallons (284 million         moon was formed due to a collision
                  liters) of air.                               between Earth and a planet of the size

                                                                of mars.The debris from this impact
                  3-The rat's incisors never stop grow-         collected in an orbit around Earth to
                  ing, which is why they have to keep           form the Moon.
                  gnawing and filing their teeth in the
                  process.  For them, gnawing is both a         9-Earth is tilted  at its axis. As the
                  form of self-preservation  and a              Earth circles the Sun during the year,
                  means of survival.                            half of the Earth get more or less sun-

                                                                light than the other half of the Earth.
                  4-The eggs  will  not turn into baby          In the summer months, the northern
                  chick without warmth.                         half of the Earth, where we live, tilts
                                                                towards the Sun. This means we get
                  5-Increase high risk of cancer. High          more sunlight,  making the days
                  doses of Radium causes anemia and             longer.
                  reduces bone growth.
                                                                10-In the real universe, no black hole
                  6-Lines on the palm help the hands’           contains singularities.

                  skin stretch and squeeze.

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