Page 37 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 37

9.Label the clear cups 1, 2, 4,
                                                                              and 8 with the tape and pen.
                                                                              10.Once the milk and vinegar
                                                                              mixture has cooled a bit, care-
                                                                              fully  pour the  mixture from
                                                                              mug "1" into the cotton cloth
                                                                              sieve  on cup  "1."  If there  are
                                                                              any curds, they will collect in
                                                                              the  cloth  sieve. The  leftover
                                                                              liquid will filter into the clear
         Procedure:                                          cup. Figure below shows what the setup looks
                                                             like. Where do you think the casein is, in the
         This experiment uses hot liquids, so an adult's     liquid in the cup or the curds in the sieve?
         help will be needed throughout.                     11.  Over a sink,  carefully  remove the  rubber
         1.Using the  masking tape  and pen, label  the      band  sieve  on cup  "1."  With  your  hands,
         four mugs: 1, 2, 4, and 8.                          squeeze all the extra liquid out of the curds.
         2.Use the measuring spoon to add 1 teaspoon         Scrape the  curds off  of the  cloth  and knead
         (tsp.) of white vinegar to the mug labeled "1," 2   them together, as you would bread dough, into
         tsp, to the mug labeled "2," 4 tsp. to the mug      a ball. This is your casein  plastic. Before  it
         labeled "4," and 8 tsp. to the mug labeled "8."     dries, the ball of dough will look similar  to
         3.Heat 4 cups of milk in a large measuring cup      Figure below.
         on the Flame..
         a.The exact  amount of  time  needed  will           Ideas for Fun with Your Casein Plastic
         depend on your microwave. Start by warming          Try making beads, ornaments, or figurines out
         the  milk for five minutes. Avoid scalding          of your casein plastic. You should do the mold-
         (burning) the milk.                                 ing and coloring steps (except for paint and/or
         b.Have an adult  check  the  milk with  a ther-     marker)  within the  first hour of making the
         mometer  to make sure it is at least  49°C          plastic or it will start drying out.
         5.Carefully pour 1 cup of hot milk in to each of    Shaping the plastic:
         the four mugs with vinegar in them. What do         a.Knead the dough well before shaping it.
         you see happening in each mug? In at least one      b.Molds and cookie cutters work well on the
         of the mugs you should see that the milk has        wet casein plastic.
         separated into white crumps (called curds).         c.You  can also  sculpt  the  wet  casein  plastic
         6.Make sure to pour the milk in to all four of      into figures, but it takes a bit more patience.
         the mugs at the same time so that the milk is       2.Coloring the plastic:
         the same temperature across all four vinegar        a.Food coloring,  glitter, or other decorative
         amounts. Mix each mug of hot milk and vine-         bits can be added  to the wet  casein plastic
         gar slowly with a spoon for a few seconds. That     dough. The beads in Figure 3 above were made
         will help make sure the vinegar reacts with as      from casein plastic dough that had yellow food
         much of the milk as possible.                         coloring and multicolored  glitter  kneaded
         7.Meanwhile, take one of the cotton-cloth                 into it.
         squares and attach it with a rubber band                    b.Dried casein plastic can be painted
         to the top of one of the clear cups so that                  or colored  on with  markers.  The
         it completely covers the cup's opening.                      smiley face in Figure 3 is on uncolored
         Make sure the cloth hangs down a bit                           casein  plastic  and was  drawn on
         inside the cup so that you have room       Gurvinder Kaur       using a black permanent marker.
         to pour liquid in.                         Vikas Bharti public   3.Hardening  the  plastic: Casein
         8.Repeat  this  step  with  the  other    school,North West A   plastic  will  be  hard once it has
         three clear cups.                                              dried.
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