Page 18 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 18

Mentor’s Intervention


                                                                     Let’s meet
                                                                     Let’s meet

                                                                       & explore
                                                                       & explore


      A                                                         learn from each other and discuss their chal-
                once-in-a-century pandemic had left a devastating
                                                                lenges while delivering certain topics or
                impact not only on physical and emotional
                health of the people but on the education
                                                                conducting online weekly sessions to discuss
                of our  students too. Same  was  the case       performing     activities. We thought of
                with our teachers.                              the contents, typology of questions, important
                                                                activities and tips for examination focusing
                The challenges of coping up with new    on class X.
                technology imperative for  blended  class-
                rooms,    reaching     and                                                   Some like-minded
                motivating students  in                                                 people          were
                spite of their own physical                                             approached  who
                and emotional discomfort                                                can support in
                and ever changing exam                                                  this
                and                                                                     initiative   because
                syllabus pattern added to                                               we mentor teachers
                the turmoil.                                                            strongly      believe
                                                                                        that  ‘Alone you can
                    As a science  teacher                                               go fast but together
                and  mentor,  we  felt a                                                you can go far’ .
                need to support our
                science teachers. A hand
                holding approach was                                                        Sh.    Shelendra
                needed for the whole                                                    Kumar,      a    well
                teaching fraternity.                                                    known         science
                                                                                        teacher who has
                    We planned of making a                                              already been doing
                WhatsApp  group and                                                     a lot for the science
                providing an online                                                     teachers community
                platform to science teach-                                              came  forward  for
                ers of DoE where they can                                               support.

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