Page 19 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 19

Working  day and night,  preparing  notes,           commenced with our first session on 22nd Oct,
          assignments and question banks for teachers          22. The session  was based on  “Typology  of
          as well as students, his YouTube videos              questions”. Our fellow mentors helped us in
          demonstrating the science  activities and            reaching out to teachers of all schools as the
          experiments  in his self developed lab at his        sessions were open to all science teachers. So
          home are a source of joyful learning for students.   far we have conducted three sessions full of
          He has prepared a wide range of TLMs for teaching    activities, demostration of TLMs,Important
          science and most of them using waste material.       Questions and tips and tricks for students. We
          His efforts have won him not only appreciation       conduct a 90 mins session every sunday. Our
          and regard among science teachers but media          sessions  are being attended by nearly 80
          attention also.                                      teachers every week and are graced by many
                                                               eminent personalities of Delhi education. We
              He was asked to conduct a session for                        will strive to reach more teachers
          science teachers by “Science Learning                            and  invite  experts to  give their
          Curve” team (another initiatve by Science                        valuable     inputs    in    further
          Mentors). His very own lab was visited                           sessions.
          by the ‘India TV’ team and his efforts
          were recognised by the popular news-           Renu Gupta        Our vision is building a strong science
          paper ‘Hindustan’.                                TGT , NSc      team working collaboratively for the
                                                         Govt. COED SS     amelioration of teaching and
              We planned out the things and             Khichripur Village  learning of science.

                                      Online Posters received for  ‘Alternatives source of energy’

              Shivani Yadav, 9D ,                      Sweety, GGSSS                              Sapna,
          Queens Valley School,Dwarka           Molarband N0 -1 ,School ,1925401             GGSSS, Saboli, Delhi

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