Page 33 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 33

Ethanol blended petrol (EBP)        JUN 2022 says : “Government          for  achieving  20%  ethanol
        programme has been imple-           of India, with the aim to            blending. This roadmap also
        mented by government of             enhance India’s energy securi-       mentioned an intermediate
        India throughout the country        ty, reduce import dependency         milestone  of  10%  blending to
        except union territories of         on fuel, save foreign exchange,      be  achieved  by  November,
        Andaman  Nicobar and Lak-           address environmental issues         2022 .
        shadweep  Islands  wherein          and give a boost to domestic
        petrol will be sold after blend-    agriculture sector, has been             However, due to the
        ing it with 10% ethanol. Etha-      promoting  the Ethanol  Blend-       coordinated  efforts  of  the
        nol is a bio  fuel. Bio fuels are   ed  Petrol (EBP) Programme.          Public Sector  Oil Marketing
        fuels that are produced  from       The ‘National Policy on Biofu-       Companies (OMCs) the  target
        biomass in a much shorter time      els’  notified  by  the  Govern-     of 10% blending under the pro-
        as compared to fossil fuels.        ment  in    2018    envisaged  an    gramme  has  been achieved
                                            indicative  target  of  20%  etha-   much ahead of the  targeted
            Bio fuels are renewable                                                timelines of November,  2022
        sources  of  energy that is                                                wherein the Public Sector
        they can be regenerated if                                Curtasy:  OMCs have attained an
        needed. Ethanol is mainly                                                  average 10% ethanol blending in
        produced  from a second-                                                   petrol across the country.
        ary product of sugar
        industry, namely molas-                                                     This achievement in the
        ses.  Mixing of ethanol in                                                 course of last 8 years has not
        petrol will help in reduc-                                                 only    augmented       India’s
        ing dependance  on fossil                                                  energy security but also
        fuels. Air pollution can be                                                translated into a forex impact
        decreased because ethanol                                                  of  over  Rs.41,  500    crores,
        is a cleaner fuel in compar-                                               reduced  GHG  emissions  of
        ison  to petrol. Also,  farmers                                          27 lakh MT and also led to the
        who grow sugarcane will be          nol blending in petrol by year   expeditious payment of over
        able to get more money if           2030  .  However,  considering       Rs.40, 600  crores to farmers.
        molasses  from sugarcane is         the encouraging performance,
        used in making ethanol that         due  to various  interventions           With all the initiatives taken
        will be used as fuel after blend-   made by the Government since         by  the  Government,  the  EBP
        ing it with petrol.                 2014 , the target of 20% ethanol     Programme  is on  track to
                                            blending  was  advanced  from        achieve  the  target  of  20%
            India is achieving its goals of   2030  to  2025-26 .                blending by  2025-26 .” EBP is
        EBP  programme very                                                      only one example of steps
        effectively.  India has                            A “Roadmap for        taken towards reducing air
        achieved the target of 10                      Ethanol Blending in       pollution and  using more
        percent ethanol blend-                         India  2020-25 ” was      sustainable economy friendly
        ing, 5 months ahead of                         also released by the      sources  of energy as fuels.
        schedule.                   Priyanka Goyal     Hon’ble Prime             Another such alternative fuel is
        An article posted by        TGT natural Science  Minister  in  June,   hydrogen. You should try to
        ‘press       information      GSKV, E -Block   2021  which lays out      find about  hydrogen as an
        bureau’, Delhi  on  05          Nand Nagri     a detailed pathway        alternative fuel too.

        Official website of PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU, DELHI ( ) Official website of Ministry of petroleum and natural gas, Government
        of India ( Official website of ‘Department of food and public distribution, Ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution,
        Government of India’(

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