Page 37 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 37

Teacher Innovation

                             Action Research in a

                              Physics Class

          A        s the schools  transitioned from  online       the students  found  the pressure  of  the

                   classes  to offline classes  this year, it
                                                                  offline studies much harder to bear and
                   turned out to be quite an eye opener for
                   all the stakeholders of the school. It         the assessments  were even harder to
                                                                     crack, now that they were in a habit
                   was     assumed      that    the                        of undergoing online
                   students will be able to                                   assessments for the past two
                   restore their study            “The most important           years.
                   routines exactly  the             thing for a young
                   way  it was in the                    learner to
                   pre-COVID         years.       acquire from her first           Many of the  students
                   We, as parents and             course in physics is an          skipped school  during
                   teachers and even the                                           the week as they felt
                   students  themselves,         appreciation for precise          fatigued     and     also
                   were hardly prepared                   details.”               because it was difficult
                   for the challenges that            -Prof. William            for  them  to cope  up with
                   two years of online school-            Franklin            the studies at school.
                   ing was going to pose for the
                   offline classes.
                                                                  It was very evident, after the online
                       With the joy of meeting friends to the     classes, that we, as teachers need to
                   Physical education classes in the play-        approach the teaching of our subjects
                   ground, the students rejoined school in        more elaborately, yet in an interesting
                   an excited mode.                               manner, as it has become difficult to
                                                                  hold the students’ attention for longer
                       However, this joy was short-lived as       spans.

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