Page 7 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 7

A transportation revolution is needed in Delhi that will result in better  “walkability,” public trans-
         portation, railways, roads, and better cars in order to guarantee a positive growth rate towards
         achieving India’s net zero emissions by 2070. These “better cars” probably include a lot of electric
         models as well.

             What is an electric vehicle?

             ■ A battery replaces the fuel tank in an EV, which runs on an electric motor instead of an
             combustion engine.

             ■ Because they have fewer moving parts and are better for the environment,
             EVs typically have low
             operating costs.
             ■ An EV in India uses about 80 paisa of fuel for every kilo-
             meter. Compare this to the price of gasoline,

             which is currently more than 100 rupees
             per litre in Indian cities, or 7-8 rupees
             per kilometer to operate a

             vehicle powered by gasoline.

          The Need for Electric Vehicles in Delhi              growth initiatives in the city when it has the
                                                               highest percentage of degraded quality of life
          1. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,      by environmental perspective.
          which consists of 17 Sustainable Development
          Goals, was adopted by the General Assembly in        2. The global EV30@30 campaign, which seeks
          September 2015. (SDGs). The new Agenda places        to have at least 30% of new vehicle sales be
          a strong emphasis on a comprehensive strategy        electric by 2030, is supported by a small
          for  achieving  sustainable  development  for all,   number of  nations, including India.  At the
          building on the idea of ‘’Leaving  no one            COP26 in Glasgow, India endorsed, Panchamrit,
          behind.                                              which stands for five elements to combat
                                                               climate change.

              “ There are 17 goals and these particular goals
          draw attention towards taking the initiative to              At the Glasgow summit, India proposed a
          use  EVs.  Goal  3:  Good  health  and                            number of ideas, including using
          well-being,  Goal  7:  Affordable                                     renewable energy to meet 50%
          and  Clean  Energy  Goal  11:                                              of the country’s energy
          Sustainable    Cities   and                                                needs; cutting  carbon
          Communities,  Goal  13:                                                      emissions  by  1 billion
          Climate  Action and  Goals                                                    tonnes by 2030, and
          17: Partnership to Achieve                                                     reaching net zero by
          Goals. India  has signed a                                                     2070. Delhi will be
          treaty  to  implement  17                                                      legally bound to pass
          SDG goals in the country.                                                     EV bills in the

                                                                                       legislature and enforce
               Delhi has a moral duty
          to   promote     sustainable                                                such acts in Delhi.

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