Page 37 - nai udaan march 2024
P. 37

Mathematical functions                                 Sine and Cosine Functions:  Unveiling the
                                                                 Mathematical Dance of Swinging Motion
                                                                 Imagine you're on a camping  trip with your
          Various mathematical functions are used for            friends, and you decide  to set up a makeshift
          different purposes, ranging from data
          preprocessing to model optimization.                   swing using a long rope tied to a sturdy tree
          A function essentially describes how one quantity      branch. As  you swing  back and  forth, your
          (the dependent variable) depends on or varies          friend standing nearby notices something inter-
          with another quantity (the independent                 esting: your motion  seems  to follow a certain
          variable). Functions provide a systematic way to       pattern, almost like a dance with the wind.
          express relationships between variables, allowing
          us to analyze and understand  the behavior of              Curious, your friend takes out their phone and
          various  phenomena in mathematics  and the             starts jotting down some  measurements.  They
          sciences.                                              notice that your swinging motion can be

                                                                 described using a mathematical function called a
          For example, let's consider a simple function:
          f(x) = 2x+ 3                                           sine wave. They explain that the sine function
                                              In this            helps us understand how things move in a periodic
                                              function, x is     or wave-like manner, like the up and down
                                              the indepen-       motion of your swing.
                                              dent variable,
                                              and f(x) is the        As you swing higher and faster, your friend
                                              dependent          points out that the cosine  function comes  into
                                              variable. This     play, describing the horizontal movement of
                                              function tells     your swing. Together, these mathematical tools
                                              us that for any    help your friend predict your swinging trajectory
                                              given value of
                                              x, the             and even calculate how high you'll go with each
          corresponding value of f(x) is obtained by             swing.
          multiplying x by 2, then adding 3. So, the
          function describes a linear relationship between           Thanks to the power of sine and cosine functions,
          x and f(x).                                            what started as a simple camping trip turned
                                                                 into a  fascinating lesson  in math and  physics,
              Functions can take many different forms and can be   showing how these tools help us make sense of
          used to model a wide range of relationships, from      the world around us, even in the most unexpected
          simple linear relationships to complex, nonlinear      situations.
          ones. They are fundamental tools in mathematics
          and are used  extensively in various  fields,
          including physics, engineering, economics, and
          computer science,  to describe  and analyze
          real-world phenomena.

                                         Let's use a combination
                                      of sine and cosine
                                      functions to draw a
                                      basic flower shape on
                                      graph paper using the
                                      Wolfram  Alpha AI

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