Page 39 - nai udaan march 2024
P. 39

Student’s Innovation


            Promoting Responsible AI For All

              Problem Statement

              In  today's  AI-driven  world,  ensuring fair and  responsible

              technology is critical. According to a McKinsey report, AI
              biases could result in global  financial losses of up to $5.2
              trillion by 2025 and can have a significant impact on areas
              like education, healthcare and justice leading to further soci-
              etal harm and inequality. Detection of Biases in AI programs
              is a very difficult task and takes a lot of time of developers to
              identify potential biases in the code.

              Solution I have Developed

                                            BiasEncoder, is       comprehensively, identifying  subtle biases
                                            an  AI-powered        that may otherwise go unnoticed.
                                            platform      that        By decoding the content of uploaded code,
                                            can  detect and       BiasEncoder can pinpoint the specific types of
                                            mitigate biases       biases present and provide actionable recom-
                                            in AI programs,       mendations for mitigation. This process
                                            enabling devel-       empowers developers and tech firms to recti-
                                            opers  and tech       fy biases  efficiently, fostering the develop-
                                            firms  to create      ment of AI systems that  are equitable  and
              bias-free programs.                                 inclusive.
              BiasEncoder uses  Recurrent  Neural Net-                One of the key strengths of BiasEncoder lies
              works, Random Forest Classifiers, and sever-        in its versatility and adaptability. By utilizing
              al other  algorithms to analyze  biases in AI       Intel's OpenVino Toolkit, BiasEncoder  not
              programs. We also use Intel's OpenVino Tool-        only delivers enhanced runtime performance
              kit for faster runtime and enhanced accuracy.       but also ensures unparalleled accuracy in bias
                                                                  detection. This synergy between cutting-edge
              BiasEncoder offers a comprehensive solution         technologies enables BiasEncoder  to scale
              that leverages cutting-edge machine learning        seamlessly, catering to the evolving needs of a
              algorithms to detect and mitigate biases in AI      diverse range of industries and applications.
              programs. At the heart of BiasEncoder lies a
              sophisticated infrastructure that combines the      Whether it's optimizing healthcare algo-
              power of Recurrent Neural Networks                  rithms to mitigate biases in diagnosis  or
              (RNNs), Random Forest Classifiers, and other        enhancing fairness in hiring practices,
              advanced algorithms. This robust framework          BiasEncoder serves as a vital tool for promot-
              enables BiasEncoder to analyse AI programs          ing equity and social justice.

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