Page 43 - nai udaan march 2024
P. 43
Fun facts of AI
Fun Facts
And Robotics
Artificial Intelligence Alphabet’s Google and Nevada are two of the
can predict earth- world,s top most innovative AI companies.
quakes and volcanoes
and many other natu-
ral disasters:- Artifi- Google claimed to have developed AI that can
cial Intelligence, the current design chips for computers much faster than
artificial intelligence research- humans. The AI needs less than 6 hours to design
ers have found that by using the chips, while it takes its human counterparts
artificial intelligence we can months to do the same. This is why people worry that
easily access natural disaster AI will take over human jobs.
predictions. With a generous
amount of good quality data The potential of AI to enhance the learning experi-
sets and applying interesting ence of students with disabilities is very promising.
facts about Artificial Intelli- Among the systems available or under develop-
gence, it will be able to predict ment are those that can describe the content of
the possible occurrences and photos for the visually impaired, automatically create captions
chances of natural disasters. AI of video for the deaf and hard of hearing, synthesize more real-
can be a backup to numerous
people’s life by protecting them istic voices in multiple languages for text to speech reading, and
with an accurate and timely operate an onscreen mouse and keyboard and text-to-speech
prediction. using only eye movements for those unable to use a keyboard
due to physical impairment.
Artificial Intelligence is helping us fight the cancer: - The University of Surrey and the
University of California in San Francisco developed AIs in collaboration, which can even
detect early stages of cancer symptoms. How appealing that is to hear? And these are
fed with thousands of accounts of people who are in a remission stage. In a way, the
most interesting facts about Artificial Intelligence are that AIs are able to predict which
patients are having a high chance of developing cancer cells back. These facts in AI power doctors
to get ahead of treatments with the early results.
A Lot of People Are Unaware That The first AI-powered Chabot,
They Use AI Platforms :-One of the ELIZA, first appeared in 1966.
strange Artificial Intel- Yes, you read that right. ELIZA
ligence facts is that made its debut 48 years before Ama-
only 34% of consum- zon’s Alexa. ELIZA, named after the
ers realize that they fictional Eliza Doolittle,
are directly experienc- would
ing AI, according to a essentially rephrase
study published by Peg the user’s input in
systems Inc. the form of a
However, when question.
surveyed about
technologies they Shiwansh Singh
Priya Maurya
use, it was found TGT Natural
5th F, Balvant Ray
that 84% actually use Science,Adarsh Gyan
one or more AI-pow- Sarover Balika
ered devices or services. Vidya bhawan