Page 18 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 18

Mentor’s Interventions

                                                  Activity based
                                                   Activity based


                                                                    Every thing you can,

                                                                      any time you can,
                                                                from any where you can!!

              L       earning is a life long process.An educator is
                      a ‘learner’ throughout his/her journey. We,
                      the educators, witness learning happening
                      in  all  walks  of  life,  specially  in
                      our professional life.

                          My journey as a learner reached new
                      horizons,  when I joined as a mentor
                      teacher with DOE.These years,  as a
                      mentor, have been full of challenges ,
                      zealous efforts and steps towards finding
                      sustainable solutions.

                             As  a science  mentor, I tried  to  live
                      ‘science’ through activities, to inculcate      a week, in the evenings.
                      the  values  of  ‘learning by  doing’  and
                      taking  baby steps  towards doing ‘my              Students  shared their learnings and
                      little’ for the environment  and my             understanding with each other in a con-
                      surroundings. Keeping these goals in my         genial atmosphere where everyone got an
                      mind, I made a small effort to involve the      opportunity to express their views.
                      students of all of my mentee schools on a
                      common platform.                                    In one of these sessions on ‘Pandemic and
                          The pandemic times had also been like       its share of problems’, we discussed about
                      a wonderful  ‘learning  period’too,which        the rising issue of disposal of used
                      paved the way to a ‘technically sound’ ME       masks..While we needed to protect
                      -the teacher.                                   ourselves against the pandemic, we also
                                                                      needed  to  do  it in a way  that  does  not
                          So,I formed a common group for class        cause any harm to our environment. We
                      ninth students of all my mentee schools,        thought about the problem of disposal of
                      in the  name of ‘ACTIVITY  CLASS-               used  masks and shared our views  with
                      ROOM’.We met over zoom platform, twice          each other.
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