Page 13 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 13

“It’s lot like growing food in     rate,  like that of batteries  in   separator, placed between the
       your garden in the spring,         most  cars or laptops, would       anode and the cathode. Most
       putting the extra in a container   hamper      a    grid   battery    higher-temperature molten-salt
       in your freezer, and then          designed  to store energy  for     batteries  require a ceramic
       thawing  it out for dinner in      months. Notably, the  PNNL         separator, which can be more
       the  winter”. said first author    freeze-  thaw  battery  has    expensive         to   make     and
       Minyuan Miller Li.                 retained  92 percent of  its       susceptible     to    breakage
                                          capacity over 12 weeks.            during the freeze- thaw cycle.
           The battery is first charged by
       heating it up to 180 degrees           In other words, the energy         The PNNL battery  uses
       Celsius, allowing ions to flow     doesn’t  degrade  much; it’s       simple  fiberglass, possible
       through the liquid electrolyte to   preserved, just like food in a    because of the battery’s stable
       create chemical energy. Then,      freezer.                           chemistry. This cuts costs and
       the battery is cooled to room                                         makes the battery sturdier
       temperature, essentially locking   Ordinary  ingredients  a           when undergoing freeze-thaw
       in the battery’s energy. The       plus:                              cycles.
       electrolyte becomes  solid  and
       the  ions that  shuttle  energy    The team avoided rare, expensive   ‘Reducing battery costs is critical.
       stay nearly still. When the        and highly reactive materials.     That  is why we’ve chosen
       energy is needed, the battery      Instead, the aluminum-nickel       common,          less-expensive
       is reheated  and the energy        molten-  salt  battery is chock    materials to work with, and
       flows.                             full    of    Earth-abundant,      why we focused on removing
                                          common       materials.     The    the ceramic separator,  said
           The freeze-thaw phenomenon     anode  and  cathode are            corresponding author
       is   possible    because    the    solid plates of  aluminum          Guosheng  Li,  who  led  the
       battery’s electrolyte is molten    and     nickel,    respectively.   study.  The battery’s energy is
       salt  -a molecular  cousin  of     They’re immersed in a sea of       stored at a materials cost of
       ordinary table salt. The material   molten-salt electrolyte that is   about $23 per kilowatt hour,
       is liquid at higher temperatures   solid at room temperature but      measured before a recent jump
       but solid at room  flows as a liquid when heated.                     in the cost of nickel. The team is
       temperature.                       The team added sulfur -another     exploring the use of iron, which
                                          common, low- cost element - to     is less expensive, in hopes of
           The freeze-thaw  concept       the electrolyte to enhance the     bringing the materials cost
       dodges a problem familiar to       battery’s energy capacity.         down to around $6 per kilo-
       anyone who  has let  their  car                                       watt  hour, roughly  15 times
       sit unused  for too long: a            One of the biggest advantages   less than the materials cost
       battery that self-discharges as    of the battery is the composition   of    today’s      lithium-ion
       it  sits  idle.  A fast  discharge   of a component, called a         batteries.
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