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Book review
                                               Ready to fire

                                               How India and I survived

                                                         the ISRO spy case

                                                           By Arun Ram and

                                                            Nambi Narayanan

         T      his riveting book is about the struggle of a    rocket scientist.
                top scientist, S. Nambi Narayanan who
                                                                     S.  Nambi Narayanan  ( born  12  th
                was falsely accused of selling Space
                                                                December 1941) rocket scientist and
                Technology secrets and his fight for justice.
                                                                aerospace engineer worked at the Indian
                     A top scientist is falsely accused for  Space  Research Organization  (ISRO)
                espionage  charges. A Police  inspector’s       and contributed in the  develop-
                misadventure  with  a Maldivian women           ment of Vikas  rocket engine. He was
                results in a fabricated espionage case.         awarded  the  Padma Bhushan, the  third
                                                                highest civilian award by government of India
                    A faction within a political party capitalizes on   in 2019 for developing Vikas engine.
                the case to bring down a government. An
                intelligence  agency obligingly  plays into        He led the team that acquired technology
                the hands of vested interest to slow down       from the French for the Vikas engine used
                India’s  space program.  And  a complex         in the first PSLV that India launched. As a
                investigation finally proves the allegations    senior official at the ISRO, he was in -
                untrue.                                         charge of the  cryogenics division.

                    Nambi walks through the events leading           In 1994 he was charged with espionage and
                to his rise as an eminent  engineer  to         got arrested. He spent 50 days in jail. The
                alleged  espionage  charges, physical  and      charges against him were dismissed by The
                mental cruelty against him. It takes four       Central bureau of investigation (CBI) in April
                years for the CBI to exonerate Nambi, but       1996. The  Supreme  Court  of  India also
                his  fight  for justice  to  ensure  action     stopped the Kerala government on technical
                against the officer who faked the case and      grounds from continuing its investigation.
                tortured him in custody continues.
                                                                      The movie Rocketry: The Nambi Effect
                    The autobiographical book begins from       is based on his life, starred and directed by
                his childhood  and quickly  takes you           actor R. Madhavan and was released on 1
                through  his  journey  till  he  became  a      st July 2022.

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