Page 30 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 30

Melody  enters the mansion.  She is              was surprised to find herself in a different
             fascinated to see how spacious it is. She        place. A place  like  paradise  – green,
             starts  running all  around, her  shoes          clean, and  highly  developed.  Melody
             constantly tapping on the wooden floor.          thought she  had time travelled  to the
             She  runs upstairs, while  her friends           future. The residents of the place looked
             follow  her  sluggishly.  Melody  bangs          like duplicates of each other. There was
             into a door unknowingly. She finds her-          no difference in their appearances, all of
             self in a musty, dust covered room, with         them  were  tall  and fair  and had  a big
             weird  scientific  devices  and  colourful       jawline, S shaped eyebrows, brown eyes,
             chemicals. The three girls are in the            straight nose, and short rainbow coloured
             scientist’s laboratory!                          hair.

                 Chloe and Ashley start to shake like a leaf.       A crowd gathered around Melody and tried
             They tiptoe out of the room leaving Melody       interacting  with  her.  They  seemed  to  be
             alone, before some mishap takes  place.          sweet and  welcoming, but Melody
             Melody doesn’t realise that she’s the only one   couldn’t communicate with them as
             present in the laboratory and continues to       they spoke a different language, not
             study  the  various objects  and gadgets         known to her. They then switched on a
             carefully. Her eyes are soon caught by           watch/band tied  to their wrists and
             an armoire. She opens it and in seconds          closed their eyes. They were translating
             she sees something building up in front          her thoughts into their language  and
             of her, something  resembling  a black           reading her mind!
             hole. She was taken aback. It was ready
             in no time, a massive hole with a pink               They got to know everything about
             passage in the middle and bright light           her. They talked among themselves and
             being  emitted  by  it. A strong  force          then one of them sent Melody to a big
             pulled her towards the hole, she tried to        room through teleportation. A warm
             hold onto something, but the force was           and comfortable room. She saw a man
             so strong that she didn’t get any time to        wearing a lab coat sitting on a couch in
             do so. She was inside the hole. She lost         front of her. He looked like he belonged
             her consciousness.                               to Earth and so she sat beside him and
                                                              started talking with him.
                 When Melody opened her eyes, she

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