Page 8 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 8

Bamboo stirrers: Corporate offices and                 handy. One needs to encourage others to ditch
            public places have  gradually replaced plastic         plastic containers for packaging.
            coffee/tea stirrers with those made of wood or
            bamboo.There are also stirrers that are made of        Eco-friendly        decoration:       Instead     of
            herbs.                                                 balloons, choose more environmental-friendly
                                                                   decorations such as flowers, DIY paper flowers,
            Fluid ear care products: Instead of using              paper lanterns, recycled bunting.
            earbuds that have plastic sticks, ear drops can be a   Reusable Glass or Mug: Take a reusable
            great alternative. According to a rough estimate,      glass or mug to office or school and save the
            nearly 1.5 billion cotton buds are produced every      environment.
            year; an average person disposes of close to 415
            buds every year. If one is not comfortable with        Crop waste to packaging material:
            fluid ear washes, there are also buds that are         Conversion of crop stubble waste into
            made using sticks made of paper. If you use the        biodegradable packaging material utilizing the
            ear buds for makeup, opt for cotton  as a              power of Bio-technology.
            makeup remover tool.
                                                                   Eco-lution cups: Eco friendly biodegradable
            No more plastic Bottles: Get yourself a steel          cups in which dormant seeds were embedded
            bottle for the long-term instead of a plastic one.     which later on grow into healthy plants.
                                                                   As you take  the  leap and switch to these
            Reusable        glasses                                                           eco-friendly    options,
            and  cups: A large                                                                you’ll find yourself
            number of disposable cups                                                         living more
            made of plastic ends up in                                                        sustainably and happily,
            landfills each year. As a                                                         knowing that you’re
            corrective measure, one                                                           not harming the envi-
            can stick to reusable                                                             ronment.
            glasses and cups. From
            glass to ceramic, there                                                               The single use plastic
            is a wide variety of                                                              ban in India was recently
            cups and lids available.                                                          imposed. So it will take
                                                                                              time for it to be
            No more plastic cut-                                                              effectively implemented.
            lery: Each time you order food, request the            As educationists, we can advocate for mass
            restaurant to not include plastic cutlery. Reusable    scale awareness through different mass
            bamboo utensils  are  an ideal alternative. One        communication media available  so that the
            can also try keeping travel cutlery set to make it     larger section of our society may be brought
            easier for oneself and the planet. So, try using       under the ambit.
            reusable bamboo utensils or invest in a travel
            cutlery set. Crockery using sugarcane residue is           The responsibility of the implementation of
            also a good                                            Government’s orders lies on  us so today we
            alternative.                                           take oath to eliminate Single Use Plastics from
                                                                   the country.
            Eco-friendly        contain-
            ers:  Opt  for  reusable  and
            decomposable containers
            in place of plastic            Dr. Racchna Saddi       References:
            containers. Stainless steel       Sumermal Jain        News articles, Social Media, Visit to 3 day fair on phas-
            lunch boxes can come in            Public School       ing out of single use plastic organised
                                                                   by Department of Environment.

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