Page 26 - Nai Udaan march 2023
P. 26

Trending News in Science

             New plateau type discovered in Maharashtra
           01           A rare low-altitude basalt

                        plateau housing 76
                        species of plants and shrubs
                        from 24 different families
                        discovered in Thane region
           in the Western Ghats—one of the four
           global biodiversity hotspots in India,
           can prove to be a repository of infor-
           mation for species interactions. It can help study effects of climate change on
           species survival and increase awareness of the  conservation needs of rock
           outcrops and their immense biodiversity value in the global context.

            Affordable smart window with energy storage capability

           02           Indian    scientists   have     institutes of the Department of Science

                                                        & Technology (DST),  Government of
                        developed a cost-effective
                        polymeric electrochromic
                        smart window which can          India, have found a cost-effective
                                                        solution by utilizing a chemically
                        store energy using hybrid       synthesized     conducting      polymer,
           transparent electrodes, as well as carry     poly(o-methoxyaniline) (PMOANI), as
           out transparency switching. It has the       an electrochromic layer over a low-cost
           potential of replacing the costly            transparent  coducting          electrode
           traditional smart windows in modern          (ITO--60                          nm/Al
           structures.  Bengaluru-based  scientists     -mesh)  to form  a                 smart
           from  the Centre for  Nano  and  Soft        window.
           Matter     Sciences
           (CeNS), and
           Jawaharlal Nehru
           Centre           for
           Advanced        and
           Scientific Research

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