Page 31 - Nai Udaan march 2023
P. 31

This signal is processed by the part of the
        brain, called optical lobe. Here, both           GREEN + BLUE = CYAN
        biology and psychology enter. Our brain is
        more than a super computer which                 BLUE + RED = MAGENTA
        contains a bunch of neurons –a fusion of
        hardware and super software. Whenever            RED+GREEN= YELLOW
        the visual information leaves the eyes,
        physics ends and neurological matrix take        NOTHING = BLACK
        over.                                             stated as ‘CMYK’ .

            Colour is determined first by the            But painter’s colour wheel is different & a
        frequency .Low  frequency radiation is           convenient way to understand how to
        invisible. Around 40THz most human               mimic some colours by mixing red, yellow
        begin to perceive a dull red. As frequency       and blue pigments. When we take red
        is increased the perceived colour gradually      pigment and mix it with yellow then
        changes from  red  to orange, to yellow to       orange colour is born. Similarly when
        green, blue to violet. Our eyes don’t            yellow pigment  mixes with  blue,  green
        perceive violet very well.                       colour  is formed.  Where red mixes  with
                                                         blue we get pigment violet.
              The absence of light is darkness. Light
        comes and we get colours, the entire               Yellow, Blue and Red may be assumed as
        darkness disappears. It is the perception of     pure elementary colours, from these
        the human visual system. Our retina has          orange, green and violet are the result of
        three types of neurons, called cones, each       simplest combinations.   Colour has a
        of them have sensitivity to a different band     powerful influence over human behavior.
        of wavelength one long, one medium, one          Colour  has  a power  to manipulate our
        short. The long wavelength cones are             perception because of its emotional
        stimulated by  the light  appears red, the       influence.
        medium wavelength  cones by  light  that
        appears green  and the  short wavelength         Colour theory is a fundamental knowledge
        cones by light that appears blue. This is        for all of us.
        basically the ‘RGB’-  primary colour’s
        formula.                                          “Colours like features, follow the chang-
                                                          es of the emotions”
            When there no light falls on the retina,      - Pablo Picasso
                        our brain perceive
                           nothing, then the colour
                           is black. When light falls
                           from two or more than
                           two different sources

         Raj Kumar Ghosh   then our brain perceives a
         Raj Kumar Ghosh
           TGT Drawing,    combo pack as a different
            TGT Drawing ,
             R.P.V.V.      colour.  The  rules  of  the
              R.P.V.V .
           Rajniwas Marg   primary colours are
            Rajniwas Marg
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