Page 10 - september 2023
P. 10
Vision Quest
C limate Change is at its peak today, affecting
billions of people through various sectors
vital for survival. One of the major
sectors, it is impacting the most is the
Indian Agriculture ultimately leading to
a major threat to Food Security.
According to the World Bank, a severe
drought caused by an El Nino weather
pattern or climate change can push
millions of people into poverty, extreme
weather patterns such as flood has led to And, to explore these infinite possibilities
the loss of about 33.9 million hectares of to combat climate change’s impact on
crop in the last 6 years whereas there was Indian agriculture using sustainability
a loss of harvest due to the worst heat- and innovation as a key.
wave in 122 years.
In this edition of Vision Quest, we had
While the challenges posed by climate the great honor of interacting with Dr.
change on Indian agriculture are drastic, Vandana Shiva, an alternate Nobel Prize
there is a ray of hope that has emerged winner, and, environmental conservationist
from the recent developments in organic alongside Mr. Himanshu Gupta, IAS,
farming and sustainable agriculture. Director of Education.
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