Page 15 - september 2023
P. 15

Contributions by other scientists                       perplexing question: are we alone in this huge
                                                                universe or do we have other conscious beings like us
            With the observable universe has approximately 2    in the universe? Honestly, we think aliens do exist but
        trillion galaxies, each with billions of stars and their   there are various possibilities.
        own planetary systems, Fermi's question, "Where is
        everybody?" is known as the Fermi paradox.              why we are unable to contact them till now
        The paradox  highlights the apparent contradiction
        between the high probability of extraterrestrial        One could be their lack of interest in us. According to
        civilizations in the vast cosmos and the absence of     Neil DeGrasse Tyson monkeys are as smart as human
        compelling evidence for their existence. It challenges   toddlers. If extraterrestrials are smarter than us then it
        our assumptions about the prevalence of intelligent     is possible that their toddlers are smarter than geniuses
        life beyond Earth.                                      like Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking. We just
                                                                might be monkeys in front of them. So why would
                                                                they be interested in us and try to contact us?
            To build further upon it scientist Frank Drake gave
        an equation  known as the  *Drake equation which            Another reason is the cosmic distances. If we plan to
        aims to find no. of intelligent civilization within the milky   send a message to the Andromeda galaxy, even if the
        way galaxy.  This equation considers various factors,   message travels at light speed, it will take 2.3 million
        such as the rate of star formation, the fraction of stars   years to reach and another 2.3 million years to come
        with planets, and the likelihood of life evolving on    back, in those years there is a good chance that our
        those planets.                                          civilization is already destroyed for various reasons.

            Additionally, The Kardashev Scale splits intelli-         There could also be a possibility that alien civilizations
        gent Civilization into three categories:                may have existed in the past but faced their demise
                                                                due to internal conflicts, resource depletion, or other
        - Type I civilizations are able to use all the energy   catastrophic events
        available on their home planet.
        - Type II civilizations can control and channel all the        Consider this If we find a small portion of the ocean
        energy of their host star.                              and don't find pearls this doesn't mean that the ocean
        - Type III civilizations have access to power           doesn't contain pearls. In the same way if we haven't
        equivalent to that of their host galaxy.                found aliens this doesn't mean they don't exist but we
                                                                haven't just searched enough yet.

            Recently there have been many attempts made to      The Fermi Paradox remains a captivating enigma that
        contact  aliens.  Voyager  1                                            continues to intrigue scientists and
        and 2, two spacecraft                                                    enthusiasts alike.
        launched by NASA, carry
        messages aimed towards                                                   At the end
        telling the extraterrestrials
        about us and our planet.

                                          Rudransh               Atharv          “There are 2 possibilities: either
        Our viewpoint                   Student, 9th-C         Student, 9th-C    extraterrestrial life exists or we are
                                                                                 alone in this universe but both are
                                      The Heritage School   The Heritage School  equally terrifying.”
             This is just such a         Vasant Kunj           Vasant Kunj
                                                                                 -   Arthur C. Clarke

        Wikipedia  -
        Soch by Mohak Mangal
        Britancia -
        Wio News
        *Drake equation
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