Page 32 - september 2023
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                     Illuminating Exoplanet Habitability and

                             the search for extraterrestrial life

               W          hile talking about a planet's habitability,   What is Habitability?
                          we often  overlook the  importance
                          of Phosphorus. But why so? We
                                                                      Habitability is the capability of a heavenly
                          begin from the very basics- defining an
                          exoplanet and the various  factors          body to sustain at least one known
                                                                      organism. A habitat must ensure
                          affecting it- then we move to               metabolic activity for  an organism  and
                          explain phosphorus as one of the            allow its reproduction, but it is not
                          critical factors for life. Let us start!    necessary. Further, the habitat must also
                                                                      be able to sustain that organism.
                          What is an Exoplanet?

                                                                          For a long time, humanity has been
                          The Planets that lie beyond our             conflicted over whether we are alone in
                          solar system are referred to as exo-        the universe or not. By looking at the
                          planets. Most orbit another star, but       habitability of exoplanets, one can offer
                          some are also free-floating.  Since         one possible solution to this conflict.
                          the 1990s, we have confirmed over           Another reason we are interested in
                          5000 heavenly bodies as exoplanets,         looking  at an exoplanet's habitability  is
                          and thousands of others are under           to make it a potential "backup" option for
                          review. One of the essential                humans. As we know, the resources on
                          features that we would like to look         Earth are dwindling day by day and
                          at in exoplanets is their habitability.     conversely, pollution is on the rise. This
                                                                      may result in Earth becoming incapable
                                                                      of supporting life soon. Humans must
                                                                      shift to another planet to ensure survival
                                                                      in such an event. Thus, by looking at
                                                                      habitability,  we can pinpoint which
                                                                      world may have Earth-like  conditions
                                                                      and be able to sustain the human population.
                                                                      Lastly, systematically looking at
                                                                      habitability  factors helps us eliminate
                                                                      several planets. Our resources are limited,
                                                                      and it is only possible to explore a limited
                                                                      number of exoplanets. Therefore, we can
                                                                      narrow  the possibilities  using  certain
                                                                      constraints and find the "perfect" planet
                                                                      to sustain life.
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