Page 33 - september 2023
P. 33

What are the conditions for Habitability?              These  factors  together  contribute  to  determining

         1. Solvent: A suitable liquid solvent, like water, is   whether a planet can support life. While certain
         necessary for essential reactions and support of life.   conditions  are vital, the interplay of  all these
         Planets with significant liquid water are categorised   factors is complex, and no single factor
         as surface liquid water worlds or interior fluid       guarantees habitability.
         water worlds.
                                                                Where does Phosphorus come in?
         2. Physicochemical Conditions: Temperature,
         radiation, pressure, pH, salinity, aridity, and toxic       Of all the significant elements required for
         metal levels need to be within limits for organisms    life- Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen,
         to survive. Some microorganisms can withstand          Phosphorus & Sulphur (CHNOPS), Phosphorus
         extreme conditions.                                    is the most unique.

         3. Available Energy: Organisms require energy to           Termed the "Staff of Life", Phosphorus is present
         carry out life processes, and the environment must     in the "blueprint" of all forms of life- the DNA-
         provide sufficient energy sources (e.g., light) for    and forms the base of ADP and ATP, necessary
         this purpose.                                          for providing energy to all organisms, which is

                                                                used during their metabolic processes. It is an
         4. Major Elements (CHNOPS): Carbon, Hydrogen,          indisposable element which played a significant
         Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Sulphur are          role in the origin of life itself. Furthermore,
         essential elements for life, each serving unique       Phosphorus is essential for terrestrial biological
         functions. Their presence in various forms is          productivity and is critical to carbon balance in
         crucial for supporting life.                           terrestrial ecosystems.

         5. Specific Elements:  Some organisms require               It is present in the form of various compounds
         specific elements like iron, manganese, and            in the environment, which may be in the soil,
         potassium. Life itself can alter element availability   dissolved in water or even as a gas in the
         in a habitat over time.                                atmosphere.

         6. Atmosphere and Planetary Factors: Mass, density,        Despite its ability to aggregate into various
         atmosphere composition, plate tectonics, and           compounds  (PO43-, Ca5(PO4)3OH,  PH3, etc.),
         magnetic field influence a planet's suitability for    Phosphorus is the limiting nutrient out of all the
         life. While they help categorise habitability, they    significant nutrients. This can be explained by
         are not sole determinants.                             looking at the phosphorus  cycle.  Simply  put,
                                                                fresh Phosphorus available for life is released
         7. Astronomical Factors: Planetary rotation, orbital   majorly only during soil weathering. Transporting
         characteristics, star type, and impact events impact   this weather phosphorus by the rivers and other
         a planet's conditions, including temperature,          water bodies is the only appreciable source of
         element composition, and overall habitability.         Phosphorus in the oceans.

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