Page 38 - september 2023
P. 38

Students Innovation

       Innovative Solutions Unveiled

              Delhi Robotics league and HE-21 Exhibition

                              showcase student’s ingenuity

                      S      tudents from ASOSE Sector 11

                             Rohini shone brightly  in the Delhi
                             Robotics league, 'ROBO Kancha', a
                             pioneering  competition hosted by
                             IIT Delhi in partnership with IHFC.

                                                Overcoming fierce
                                             competition from 260
                                             schools,    including
                                            esteemed public
                                           institutions,        the
                                  ASOSE team showcased  their
                                  exceptional robotic skills  and
                                  innovative      prowess.      With
                                  unwavering dedication,  they                 This  accomplishment  not only
                                            designed,  built, and       reflects their technical expertise but
                                             programmed a winning       also underscores the power of
                                             robot    that   outper-    collaboration and determination.
                                             formed all rivals, earn-
                                            ing them a triumphant            ASOSE Sector 11 Rohini's success in
                                  victory.                              'ROBO Kancha' stands as a testament
                                                                        to their extraordinary capabilities.

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