Page 31 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 31

The man explained  that  he  was  the  lost        to do so, thanks to the high technology
           scientist  named Mark,  and that both of           present here and of course the

           them are in a different  planet  called            inhabitants of this planet who are trying
           Gaudium  which  is  in a  different  galaxy        so hard to help us.”
           called Dulcis which is in a totally different
           universe, very far from our universe. He               After an hour, Mark was called to examine
           said  that  he  wanted  to  convert his            the opening. He verified it. A wave of
           armoire to a teleportation  machine but            happiness passed through everyone.
           somehow  it  got  connected  to  a parallel        Melody  couldn’t find words to express

           universe.                                          how  glad she  was. Mark and Melody
                                                              jumped  into the opening one after the
               He said that when he reached this planet the   other and in a few  minutes, they  were
           creatures residing here were very kind to him      back on Earth.
           and they are currently helping him create an
           opening to our universe.  He  had  been                Melody found herself at her school with

           researching about this planet all this while       her friends, studying math while  Mark
           and he found that Earth and Gaudium are            was back in his mansion which was not
           very different from each other. In Gaudium         anymore  creepy  or dusty, his face  was
           a person can never get old, and the citizens       covered with wrinkles. He was old, he was
           of this planet multiply through cloning so         68. Everything  was  back  to  normal, the
           there is no difference in their physical fea-      way everything was supposed to be.
           tures.  Melody  was  surprised,  and found
           all this information to be very interesting,           What about the armoire you ask? It lost

           but she was worried about getting back to          its ability to transfer a person to some
           her planet. Mark understood her con-               other parallel universe and became an
           cern and assured her that they’ll                   ordinary wardrobe.
           get back to their homes soon.
                                                                      Even though both Mark and Melody
               He said, “The opening has                          chose to remain silent and not share

           been found just today but                                their  experiences, their  memories
           it had some defect in it so      Jeevika Umesh            always get a bright smile on their
           we are just trying to fix it,     Tagore International    faces, after all they had journeyed
           it will only take us an hour      School, Vasant Vihar    somewhere beyond our universe!

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