Page 6 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 6

Editor’s Choice

                                                         Single use
                                                          Single use

                                                         plastic ban
                                                          plastic ban

                                                            A welcome step

                                       AN ALARMING SITUATION

            S      ingle use plastics are the goods that are made    These micro-plastics release toxic chemicals
                                                                    that eventually transfer into the atmosphere,
                   from the fossil fuels- based chemicals (petro-
                   chemicals). The process of extracting and
                                                                    plant life and animal tissue.
                   creating these plastics emit huge amount
                   of greenhouse gases.                                   The  micro-plastics  enter  respiratory
                                                                            system  of the animals,  including
                       Everybody is aware of                                   humans, lodged deep inside the
                   the littering of plastic        Single Use Plastic            lungs. From where, they enter
                   items  at  garbage              (SUP) refers to the             blood  stream and finally
                   dumps. Single  use               plastic items and               reach the vital organs like
                   plastic    products           packaging materials                 brain, kidneys etc.
                   may       epitomize            that cannot be used                  Accumulation  of  such
                   convenience,  but            again and may or may                 particles  in cells  causes
                   with  the  damage                 not be recycled                disruption  of  metabolic
                   they  cause  through         depending on the type               activities  and can lead  to
                   production, distribu-                of plastic.               unforeseen  risks to  the
                   tion and litter, they are                                    health  of the animals and
                   the  major threat  to  the                                plants concerned.
                   environment       and    human
                   health.                                          SUPs  also contain a number of chemical
                                                                    additives such as endocrine disruptors
                       The impacts of this plastic waste on the     which are associated with negative health
                   environment and health are global and can        effects including cancer, birth defects and
                   be drastic.The SUPs are non-biodegradable        immune system suppression in humans
                   products,  so they  just  slowly  turn into      and wildlife.  SUPs affect  marine  life  also
                   micro-plastics (tiny particles).                 equally.
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