Page 10 - Nai_Udaan_final
P. 10
Reduces Carbon Emission: more sustainable future for our planet.
One of the main advantages of using biodegradable COMPARISON OF COMMON PLASTIC
plastic is a significant reduction in carbon
emissions during the manufacturing process. • The primary benefit and advantage in using
Furthermore, since the materials used to bioplastics is their capability to improve the
create biodegradable plastics are plant-based, environmental impact of a product.
minimal carbon is emitted during the composting • Reduction of greenhouse gas emission.
process. • It can be easily decomposed.
• It can be converted into fertilizers.
Consumes Less Energy: • It can be dissolved in water within a few months.
• Reduction of the Carbon-dioxide levels.
The manufacturing process of biodegradable • Saving fossil fuels.
plastics requires fewer amounts of energy. • Reduction of the amount of waste product
Also, they do not need fossil fuels to be produced.
recycled. Since the energy requirement is less, • No harmful effect.
the pollution and environmental impact are
significantly reduced. COMMON PLASTIC
Provides an Eco Friendly Solution: -Natural decomposition to last 400-1000 years
and few types are non-degradable as well.
Biodegradable -Plastic materials clog waterways,ocean,-
plastics require seas,lakes,etc. In 3 species of Marine mammals
composting or have been found entangled in marine litter.
recycling to -Many animals eat plastic materials and die.
ensure proper Over 90% of all sea birds have plastic pieces
breakdown of in their stomach.
the plastic -Plastic is widely used in packaging. Eating
pieces. The food from plastic container may cause cancer.
requirement of -Both creation and recycling of plastic
properly disposing produce toxic gases and residuce which
of biodegradable causes air , water and land pollution etc.
plastic products
automatically Disadvantages of common plastic
reduces the
amount of waste. This waste would otherwise • Few additives such as phthalates etc. which
be sent to landfills in order to discard them. More- are added in plastics to prevent its structure
over, the land areas can be used for agriculture, may cause serious hormonal imbalance in
residence or industrial applications instead of males and females.
converting them to landfills.
• Plastic causes many fire hazards.
• Its cost of recycling is also very high.
• Thus, biodegradable plastic is extremely
significant and proves to be of great
importance when it comes to reducing • Disadvantages of plastic bags are well
waste and helping the environment. With known, this is the reason why use of plastic
the increased use and manufacturing of bags have been restricted in most of the
bioplastics, we can expect a greener and a countries in the world.