Page 36 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 36

Khel-Khel me

             Green Chemistry
            Green Chemistr                                                                                y

          G      reen chemistry also known as sustainable           the use of as little energy and a few materials
                 chemistry involves designing chemical prod-
                                                                    as possible and emphasizes using renewable
                 ucts and processes  in ways that reduce or         resources.
                 eliminate    hazardous     substances.     This    Lets learn to Turn Milk into Plastic!
                 includes  re-evaluating  which  chemicals  are     Khel khel mein…
                 used,  assessing  chemical  reactions, and         (usually called casein plastic)
                 designing processes that result in less hazard-    You can use it to make beads, ornaments, or
                 ous by-products  and wastes.  It encourages        other items.

                 TIME REQUIRED                                       called casein. When you heat milk and add an
                                                                     acid (in our case  vinegar),  the  casein mole-
                 Very Short (≤ 1 day)                                cules unfold and reorganize into a long chain.
                                                                     Without enough vinegar the casein molecules
                 The word plastic is used to describe a material     do  not unfold  well,  making it  difficult  for
                 that can be moulded into many shapes. They          them to link together into a polymer.
                 are all made up of molecules that are repeated
                 over and over again in a chain.  These are          The "best" recipe will have the highest yield
                 called polymers, and all plastics are polymers.     (make the  most plastic)  for the  smallest
                 Sometimes  polymers  are chains of just one         amount of vinegar.
                 type of molecule, and in other cases polymers
                 are chains of different types of molecules.         Materials and Equipment required:

                                                                     Mugs  or other  heat-resistant  cups  (4); they
                                                                     should all be identical, Masking tape, Pen or
                                                                     permanent marker,  Teaspoon measuring
                                                                     spoon, White vinegar (at least 1 small bottle)
                                                                     Milk (at least 12 cups); nonfat, 1%, 2%, and
                                                                     whole milk will all work, Microwavable liquid
                                                                     measuring cup; should be large enough to
                                                                     hold 4 cups of mik, Spoons (4), Cotton cloth
                 The top  image  shows  a polymer  where  the        (12 squares, each 6 x 6 inches); cutting up old
                 monomers are just one type of molecule. The         T-shirts works just  fine, Rubber bands (4),
                 bottom  image shows  a polymer  where  the          Clear plastic or glass drinking cups (4), each
                 monomers are made up of three different             large enough, Wax  paper (in 12  identical
                 molecules. In both polymers, the monomers           pieces); each piece should be smaller than the
                 link in a repeating pattern.                        weighing surface of the kitchen scale, Paper
                                                                     towels, molds, cookie cutters, food coloring,
                       Milk contains many molecules of a protein     paint, glitter, permanent markers.
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