Page 31 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 31
and step-by-step
“how to” guides.
Virtual reality
role-play exercises
and simulations
will become
common, enabling
worker avatars to
learn in highly
realistic, “game
play” scenarios,
such as “the
high-pressure sales
presentation,” “the
difficult client,” or
“a challenging
employee conver-
2. Emergence of new digital, AI-en-
abled colleagues. 4. Eventual rise of a metaverse econo-
my with completely new enterprises
Our work colleagues in the metaverse will not and work roles.
be limited to the avatars of our real-world
colleagues. Increasingly, we will be joined by Looking further ahead, just as we talk about
an array of digital colleagues — highly realis- digital-native companies today, we are likely
tic, AI powered, human-like bots. These AI to see the emergence of metaversenative
agents will act as advisors and assistants, enterprises, companies entirely conceived and
doing much of the heavy lifting of work in the developed within the virtual, 3-D world.
metaverse and, in theory, freeing up human
workers for more productive, value-added And just as the internet has brought new roles
tasks. that barely existed 20 years ago — such as
digital marketing managers, social media
3. Acceleration of learning and skills advisors, and cyber-security professionals —
acquisition through virtualization and so, too, will the metaverse likely bring a vast
gamified technologies. swathe of new roles that we can only imagine
today: avatar conversation designers, “hol-
The metaverse could revolutionize training oporting” travel agents to ease mobility across
and skills development, drastically compress- different virtual worlds.
ing the time needed to develop and acquire
new skills. While still in its early stages, the emer-
gent metaverse provides an opportunity
AI-enabled digital coaches could be for enterprises to reset the balance in
on hand to assist in employee training hybrid and remote work, to recapture
and with career advice. In the the spontaneity, interactivity, and fun
metaverse, every object — a training of team-based working and learning
manual, machine, or product, for Yashasbi Malhotra while maintaining the flexibility,
example — could be made to be IX B, Birla Vidya productivity, and convenience of
interactive, providing 3-D displays Niketan working from home.