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Vegetables that can be cultivated as Micro             and  hands-on  practice  holds  immense  significance  in
          Greens                                                 enhancing our daily lives. Understanding the
          Various  vegetable  species  are  commonly  cultivated  as   cultivation, harvesting, and utilization of microgreens
          microgreens,  including  beet,  Swiss  chard,  spinach,   empowers individuals to incorporate these nutrient-rich
          amaranth,  lettuce,  carrot,  celery,  fennel,    onion,  and   greens into their diets, promoting health and well-being.
          cucumber. Microgreens are also generated by            By fostering awareness and practical skills, we encourage
          sprouting cereals such as barley, oat, wheat, corn, and   a sustainable and accessible source of fresh, home-grown
          pseudo-cereals  like  quinoa.  Legumes  like  pea,  bean,   produce, contributing to healthier eating habits and a
          lentil, clover, chickpea, and fenugreek, as well as fiber   more environmentally conscious lifestyle.
          species  like  sunflower  and  flax,  are  included  in  the
          production of microgreens.                             Health and well being benefits of Micro Greens
                                                                 Introducing microgreens into children's diets can bring
              Interestingly microgreens are produced also using the   several health benefits. Packed with essential nutrients
          seeds of aromatic herbs such as basil, cilantro, dill, chives,   like vitamins A, C, and K, these tiny greens support the
          and cumin, or using the seeds of some wild edible species   growth and development of young bodies. The antioxi-
          such  as  borage  (Borago  officinalis  L.),  wild  chicory   dants in microgreens strengthen the immune system,
          (Cichorium intybus L.), common dandelion (Taraxacum    helping children stay healthy. Additionally, the dietary
          officinale  Weber),  sea  asparagus  (Salicornia  patula   fiber in these greens aids in digestion, preventing issues
          Duval-Jouve), etc.                                     like  constipation.  With  their  vibrant  flavors,  micro-
                                                                 greens  make  nutritious  foods  more  appealing  to
              All these species characterized by different shape, color,   children, fostering early habits of healthy eating. This
          and taste are an expression of our rich agrobiodiversity   sets  the  stage  for  lifelong  well-being,  optimal  growth,
          and largely vary for their content of minerals and phyto-  and cognitive development.
          nutrients. The inclusion of a mix of these species in the   Microgreens – A Micro snacks in the moni break
          diet in the form of microgreens may provide a variety of   in DoE, Delhi School
          colors and nutrients for a weekly healthy diet as recom-  The Directorate of Education (DOE), guided by its vision
          mended by the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Amer-   of  fostering  a  responsible,  dynamic,  and  progressive
          icans.                                                 education  model,  has  taken  significant  strides  in
          What species are not suitable to grow as micro-        integrating microgreens into their schools. To realize
          greens?                                                this initiative, 30 master trainers have been meticulous-
          Some  common  vegetable  crops  like  tomato,  pepper,   ly trained to oversee the implementation of microgreen
          eggplant, and potato are not edible at the seedling stage   projects across the extensive network of 1050 schools.
          and are not suitable to produce microgreens because they   The aim is to cultivate microgreens within the school
          contain  alkaloids  which  at  high  levels  are  toxic  for   premises, ensuring their availability to students during
          humans.  If  using  wild  species,  it  is  very  important  to   their mini snack breaks. Spearheading this transforma-
          recognize  the  plants  from  which  seeds  are  collected   tive endeavor are Mr. B.P. Pandey (OSD, School Branch)
          because many spontaneous species contain toxic         and mentors Priyanka Sehrawat, Sunita Chauhan, and
          compounds  while  they  may  look  like  edible  plants.   Vikas Drall, who are set to lead the way in bringing this
          Therefore,  if  you  are  not  a  plant  expert  refrain  from   innovative and health-conscious project to fruition in
          using  wild  plants  to  produce  micro-                              DOE  schools  in  the  near  future.  This
          greens.  Also,  you  should  exclude                                     initiative not only promotes
          any  species  for  which  you  may   Karamjeet Singh                       nutritional  awareness  but  also
          have an allergic reaction.             Lecturer English                     aligns with the broader vision of
          Micro green Awareness                  Govt. Co-ed Sarvodaya                progressive  education  within
          Initiating microgreen awareness           Rampura                           the Directorate.

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