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Chapter 5: Critiquing the Logic of the Argument-       statistics and how to infer and process them into meaningful
          Logical Thinking and Common Fallacies                  information for all. At the same time this chapter also talks
          This chapter talks about knowledge, justification and logic.   about  critiquing  qualitative  research.  How  one  can  make
          How  can one can assess arguments, what are the types of justifi-  his/her work reliable by being rigorous.
          cation for arguments. We have heard of reasoning but, what
          are inductive and deductive reasoning and how those can be   Chapter 9: Writing an Argument- Making it Persuasive
          used.  What are the strengths and limitations of inductive and   This  chapter  talks  about  critical  thinking  and  writing  a
          deductive arguments? At the same time this chapter also shed   convincing argument. What makes a good/strong argument
          light on the problems with inductive and deductive reasoning.   and how can one write a persuasive argument? What counts as
          Knowing  about  local  fallacies  is  an  important  aspect  of  this   enough  evidence?  What  can  we  infer?  What  qualifies  our
          chapter.                                               claims? How one can use inference as indicators. What are
                                                                 some other useful discourse markers and how we can use it to
          Chapter 6: Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy-     provide  balance  and  avoid  contradictions  by  following  the
          Evaluating the Information Source                      logical structure of ideas.
          Everyone has access to the internet, a Pandora box of  information.
          Which makes it important that we talk about the need for   Chapter 10: Writing (Critical) Literature Reviews
          digital literacy. This chapter talks about the reliability of   This chapter talks about addressing “the literature”, types of
          information we have access to? How do we check for credibility?   literature reviews and writing a literature reviews. Some most
          Does it matter if it is wrong? What does verification mean.   common complaints from lecturers and their thesis examiners.
          Assessing credibility is a must if we are sharing information   The tone is very important when it comes to writing anything,
          with someone. Those who can easily remember referring to   and when someone is reviewing, choosing the right critical
          Wikipedia for their school project, can we use it nowadays?    language is very important.
          Evaluating  information  sources  for  academic  purposes  is
          necessary.                                             Chapter 11: Critical Thinking as Critical Self-
          Chapter 7: Critiquing  the Literature-  How Do  You    This chapter talks about how thinking critically about oneself will
          Know That Is So?                                       lead to self-reflection. Having a critical thinking disposition and
          This chapter talks about academic texts and critical thinking.   the need for critical self-reflection. This chapter also talks about
          How reading academic articles are related to critical thinking.   self-reflective practices in different fileds including education.
          How one can review (critique) an academic article and what are   The role of self-reflective journal is discussed in this chapter.
          the sets for evaluating and critiquing an academic article. This
          chapter also deals with the nuances of writing the review.  Chapter 12: Critical Thinking at the Workplace
                                                                 This chapter talks about the complexity of work-life in the
          Chapter 8: Critiquing the Evidence- Quantitative and   contemporary world. How critical thinking is seen as a future
          Qualitative Research Methodologies                     skill-set. Having critical thinking is relevant to employment as
          This chapter talks about critiquing the evidence, the types of   this is related to public/civil service as well as government.
          evidence and the research process. How one can critique or   Industry and business are looking for the people who have it in
          evaluate a casual justification, and how to set up a research. It   them Becoming a critical thinker will help the readers to devel-
          also sheds  light on qualitative and quantitative research meth-  op the critical reasoning skills by:
          odologies and mixed methods. We come across several types   - Recognising bias, false beliefs and fake news
          of  data,  how  one  can  critique  research  data.  What  are  the   - Distinguish between explanations and
          precautions one has to keep     in  mind  when  dealing   arguments
                                                                                       -  Evaluate  information  sources
              Seema Kumari                             Chandan Jha                       objectively
                Agarwal                                                                   - Critique different research
               PGT- Pol Sc                            TGT Natural science                 methodologies, and
              GGSSS Sec 5,Dr                           GBSSS Ghitorni                     -  Construct  a  persuasive,
             Ambedkar Nagar                              1720034
                                                                                         critical argument of our own.
                                                                                       A must read!
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