Page 43 - nai udaan december
P. 43

Khel-Khel me                                             Body Part

           Static Electricity                                                      "Human Body Bingo" cards help us
           Race                                                                  learn about human  anatomy. They're
                                                                                 made with cute animated drawings of
                                                                               body parts like the brain, heart, stomach,
                       This  clever  science                                  and  lungs.  Gather  playing  pieces    (and
                         game  teaches  us                                 find an announcer) before starting the game.
                          about  static  electricity.
                          Start  by  rinsing  and                                                  Our   bodies   don't
                         drying  aluminum  cans,           Reaction Time                           respond to a stimulus
                      marking a "start" and "finish"       Challenge                               right away. You can
          line, and giving each racer a balloon.
                                                                                                  demonstrate      the
                                                       delayed connection between the brain and body with this simple
          How  to  play the game:  Move  your          reaction time test from science sparks.
          aluminum can to the finish line by using     Here's how to do it: Grab a 30-centimeter ruler. Person A holds
          the electric charges on the balloon! we can   out  the  ruler  with  their  arm  outstretched  toward  the  ceiling.
          make the charge by rubbing the balloon       Person B positions their hand near the bottom of the ruler. After
          on different items (like hair                            Person A drops the ruler, Person B tries to grab it as
          or clothing) and holding                                        quickly  as  possible.  Make  sure  to  record  the
          it against the can.
                                                                             measurements!  Once  everyone  has  three
                                                                              turns,  find  the  average  of  each  person's
                                                                              scores. The player with the lowest
                                                                            measurement has the fastest reaction time.

                                                                                                        We  can  learn
            Racing Ramps                                        Solar System                            about      the

                                                                                                        solar  system
                                                                                                       with  the  help
          When you listen to the name of the game,                                      of some clay or colorful dough.
          you may have known as it is related to                                          As most of us are very much
          racing.    Just  collect  the  toys  like  cars,                                 interested in space, the sun,
          and  balloons,  that  can  be  rolled  on  a                                      and  everything,  We  learn
          ramp.  Now  if  your  child  likes  to  play                                      quickly  about  planets  and
          with blocks, make a ramp with blocks                                              the names of the planets.
          and roll the cars, balls, and balloons on
          the  ramp.  You  may  think  what  is  the                                     To  play  this  game,  take  the
          science in this game?                                                       different  colors  of  dough  and
          Through this game, you can explain about                                       make the planets like take the
          weight and speed. Based on the weight      Shiwansh Singh                        blue ring for Saturn, red for
          and speed of the objects, some of them         Chauhan                            Mars,  and  more.  Explain
          moving faster while some of them are       5th F, Balvant Ray                     the  facts  of  planets  along
          moving slowly.                              Vidya bhawan                          with the names.
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