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1.Tree  Plantation  Drives:                                                     physical activity with envi-
          Organize events to plant trees                                                  ronmental  consciousness
          within the school premises or                                                   to improve the local ecosys-
          nearby areas to emphasize the                                                   tem and foster community
          importance  of  greenery  and                                                   responsibility.
          carbon sequestration.                                                           12.Nutrition Awareness
          2.Waste Segregation Work-                                                       Campaigns:  Raise  aware-
          shops: Conduct workshops to                                                     ness  about  healthy  eating
          educate  students  on  proper                                                   through       informative
          waste  segregation  practices,                                                  sessions, posters, and pam-
          promoting     recycling   and                                                   phlets,       emphasizing
          reducing the environmental impact of waste.            balanced diets for mental and physical health.
          3.Eco-Friendly      Craft    Workshops:  Engage        As  the  Green  Warriors  in-charge,  my  innovations
          students in creative projects using recycled materials   unfold  as  a  harmonious  blend  of  creativity  and
          to encourage upcycling and demonstrate the value of    purpose. From interactive green campaigns sparking
          reusing resources.                                     curiosity  to  eco-friendly  competitions  igniting  the
          4.Energy  Conservation Campaigns:  Run  cam-           spirit of friendly rivalry, every initiative is a brush-
          paigns  to  raise  awareness  about  the  importance  of   stroke  on  the  canvas  of  sustainability.  Our  “Green
          saving  energy, promoting practices such  as  turning   Challenge” invites students and teachers to collabora-
          off lights and electronic devices when not in use.     tively undertake tasks contributing to the well-being
          5.Water Conservation Programs: Initiate projects       of our shared environment.
          and campaigns to highlight the significance of water
          conservation,  encouraging  students  to  adopt            In conclusion, the Green Warriors in our school are
          water-saving habits and techniques.                    not merely engaged in an extracurricular activity—it’s
          6.Biodiversity Walks:  Arrange  guided  nature         a  movement,  a  revolution  silently  unfolding  in  the
          walks  within  the  school  premises  to  explore  and   corridors of education. It’s about more than just flow-
          appreciate  the  local  flora  and  fauna,  fostering  a   ers  and  campaign  boards;  it’s  about  cultivating  a
          connection with the environment.                       mindset  that  recognizes  the  symbiotic  relationship
          7.Organic  Gardening  Initiatives:  Create  and        between  personal  well-being  and  environmental
          maintain an organic garden within the school, involv-  health. As the Green Warriors continue to flourish, so
          ing  students  in  gardening  activities  to  teach  them   too does the promise of a greener, healthier, and more
          about sustainable agriculture practices.               harmonious future for our students, teachers, living
          8.Outdoor Classroom  Sessions:  Utilize  outdoor       beings, and the world they inhabit.
          spaces for education, combining learning with expo-
          sure to fresh air and nature for a holistic approach.      The Eco Club, led by the dedicated Green Warriors,
          9.Eco-Friendly Workshops: Enhance awareness of         cultivates a holistic well-being by intertwining envi-
          eco-friendly living through workshops on upcycling     ronmental  stewardship  with  education.  Through
          and sustainable practices.                             innovative  initiatives  like  the  “Green  Challenge,”  it
          10.Water  Conservation Initiatives:  Educate  on       fosters  a  symbiotic  relationship  between  personal
          water  conservation  through  work-                                    health  and  environmental  vitality.
          shops,  instilling  responsibility                                        From  therapeutic  gardening  to
          for  the  environment  and            Nisha Sharma                         experiential  learning,  the  club
          personal health.                     Sarvodaya Kanya                        becomes a creative catalyst for
          11.Environm ental                    Vidyalaya, No.2,                       a greener, healthier future.
                                               C -Block, Yamuna Vihar
          Clean-up Drives:  Combine

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