Page 38 - Nai Udaan march 2023
P. 38

Student’s Innovation

                    Sound of Music
                    Sound of Music

     M         usic is based on science; sound is           example ‘Samhitapada’ or continuous

                                                            oral recitation is one of the 11 styles of
               produced  when something  vibrates –
               and  those  vibrations reach  the ear  as
               sound waves. Music has some mathe-           Vedic chants.
               matical components too, varying  in              In contemporary times, a new style of
               pitch, volume, tempo, and rhythm. The        music  became popular across  the
               science of sound teaches us to pause,        world and it is called RAP. This style was
               listen, and feel the vibration.              popularized at first, in the US by persons
                                                            of African-American origin, but it has
                   I often wonder how much engaging         found acceptance among the youth who
               and fun, science and mathematics             enjoy the rhythmic beats and almost
               could be for several students who            rapid spoken style of singing.
               struggle with the content and concept
               if only it were musical. I wonder more
               because, the young students love their       A few years ago, I wrote and
               music, they never miss a beat or forget      composed a Rap-song on a mathematical
               the lyrics of their favourite songs, but     concept of Data and Statistics for an
               the textbooks in science scare them.         inter-school  competition  which  was  a
                                                            success. Recently I created another
                    Several forms of oral rendition are     composition     about     the   Element
               part of our traditional cultural practices.   Ferrum, atomic number 26. I am sharing
               We have known about the Vedic chants         that composition as well as a YouTube
               of ancient India which are often             link for students who may be interested,
               considered the oldest unbroken  oral         and urge them to convert the toughest
               tradition in the existence of human          lessons into music, if music is indeed
               kind. Vedic chants have used tones and       their paradise- in the hope that some of
               various styles designed to allow             the lessons of science may now become
               perfect memorization  of  texts, for         simple or enjoyable to understand.

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