Page 35 - Nai Udaan march 2023
P. 35

While working on this excruciating project      Kolkata. Soon after that Vikram Sarabhai
        which involved conquering literal mountains,    invited her to join the Physical Research
        cosmic rays, cloud chambers and                 Laboratory in Ahmedabad.  She was a
        photographic plates, Bibha discovered two       major part of the Kolar Gold Field
        new particles - years before any such similar   experiments.
        discoveries. The research had more potential,
        but tragedy struck. The world was                   But her only friend there seemed to be
        crumbling under the weight of World War         Dr. Sarabhai himself. With him died the
        II and this research had to be abandoned.       evidence of her contribution, her future
                                                        projects,  and her will to be a part of the
            Bibha moved  to Manchester,  U.K. in        laboratory. She returned to Kolkata and
        1945, making Patrick Blackett her research      became a visiting scientist at the Saha Institute
        advisor. Conducting research on extensive       of Nuclear Physics, and a visiting teacher
        air showers using a device constructed by       at the Calcutta University.
        Blackett, Bibha wrote her thesis and
        obtained her Phd. She continued her research        Most of her work now survives as ‘special
        work there, and when interviewed  by  the       thank you’ notes in the works of her
        Manchester  Evening News  for  an article       colleagues who won national awards. She
        titled Meet India’s New Woman Scientist -       kept on publishing research articles till her
        she has an eye for cosmic rays, she said “it    death in 1991, but not even one copy of her
        is a tragedy that we have so few women          works can be found.
        physicists today”. It must have been alienating
        to work in a field over-saturated by men, with      Homi J. Bhabha and Vikram Sarabhai
        the only women who were present being           keep on living in the memories of the
        cleaners and sweepers.                          masses, but she was erased and forgotten.
                                                        She won no awards.
            She taught for some years at the University
        of Manchester. In 1949, she returned to             The International Astronomical Union
        India - invited by Homi J. Bhabha himself       has now renamed a star after her - Bibha,
        to teach at his newly established institute     telling us that no matter how difficult it is
        the   Tata    Institute  of   Fundamental       to see, no matter how long the journey is,
        Research. She was the first female teacher      her light will be found. Bibha Chowdhuri
        there, and continued her research on            would be happy to know that now more
        extensive air showers, formulating new          women can be found in STEM fields - still
        techniques, and observing particles.            less than she would like, but more than she
            Everyone wants to return to their roots
                        after some time, and she was        India  is  never without her successes.
                         no exception. In 1953 she      Even when it comes  to her daughters.
                         left TIFR and joined Bengal    Everyone  should  remember that, and
                         Engineering College in         everyone should remember their names.
          Karuna         1.
          GGSSS  B 1     2.
         Yamuna Vihar    prize-and-unfulfilled-prophecy
                         4. nobel/cid/16764888586870118
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