Page 27 - final Nai Udaan september 2024
P. 27
Community driven decentralized rainwater harvesting systems in Gopalpura
water management and neighbouring villages. They under-
took two more campaign walks–the ‘ped
lagao ped bachao’(plant trees, save trees)
Johads soon facilitated village wells to and ‘ jal bachao johad banao’ (save water
recharge and the land turned fertile. By 1987, through rain water harvesting system)
community members were convinced by
advantages of these indigenous water Gandhian philosophy as source of
harvesting methods. Gopalpura community
members decided to form a gram sabha to inspiration
encourage community ownership for water
conservation and engaged other communities Dr. Rajendra Singh is greatly
as well. Dr. Rajendra stimulated village level inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. He
gram sabha to develop a sense of responsibility derived his core values like truth,
to take up water harvesting practices during non – violence and peace from the
age old village wide celebration called ‘Jal philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi.
Utsav’. Tarun Bharat Sangh under his
leadership decided to take three campaign This philosophy inspired him to
walks. First campaign walk was gram spread the message–'Conserve
swavlamban or gram swaraj yatra ( village before Consume'. It helped to adapt
self help or self rule) to encourage communities to local needs , create village level
to produce agricultural goods such as seeds leadership ,ensure self – governance
and manure. These initiatives were inspired with community and create community
by Gandhian principles. By 1988, the
program was extended by creating 24 more champions for water conservation.
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