Page 24 - final Nai Udaan september 2024
P. 24
Azolla can be harnessed as a sustainable source of
energy in the form of bio-fuels and as feedstock
for bio-energy.
Due to the high lipid content of azolla, the
biomass can be converted into biodiesel through
the simple chemical process of transesterification.
The resulting FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester)
can be used as a carbon neutral alternative to
conventional fossil fuels.
Azolla biomass can be dried, pulverized, mixed
with sawdust or rice husk, compressed into
Azolla is a small, floating aquatic fern known pellets and/or briquettes, which can be used as a
for its ecological and agricultural benefits. It feedstock in combustion based power generation
thrives in warm, freshwater environments, processes including thermal power plants (where
often forming dense mats on ponds, lakes, and azolla is used as a substitute/complement for
slow-moving streams. Azolla is notable for its coal) and biomass digesters. The resulting products
symbiotic relationship which fixes atmospheric are electricity and biogas. These are also carbon
nitrogen, enriching the water and making it a neutral energy products that can help fuel a
valuable natural fertilizer. This characteristic, sustainable future.
along with its rapid growth and ability to control
algae, makes Azolla useful in sustainable agriculture Education plays a critical role in raising awareness
and aquaculture. Additionally, it plays a role in about environmental issues and inspiring action.
carbon sequestration and has potential applications By understanding the impact of our choices and
in bioenergy and environmental management. advocating for change, we can contribute to a
healthier planet. Ultimately, preserving the
This natural method of carbon capture has several environment is about ensuring a livable world for
social, economic and environmental cobenefits future generations, demonstrating that our
besides being the world's best carbon capture individual actions collectively have the power to
process. Decentralisation and local empowerment make a significant difference. Through these
lie at the heart of this technology, rendering it fit innovative steps, our school is demonstrating that
for both rural and urban landscapes. Employment the transition to affordable and clean energy is
generation, organic fertiliser production and land both achievable and beneficial. Our efforts would
reclamation are some of the benefits of this not only contribute to a more sustainable future
nitro-boosted carbon capture but would also provide valuable
process. This technique of learning opportunities for
carbon capture can Vandana students, equipping them
Sunil Kumar
significantly help cities to Tandon with the knowledge and
reduce their carbon Principal , skills to address global energy
footprint, as well as combat kamal Modern challenges.
rising temperatures. Sr Sec School
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