Page 17 - magazine 1 august
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First chapter describes the organic pollutants impact and difficulties with this waste water
including phenolic dyes, volatile organic compounds have been summarized. (Open pond- based waste
which are vital pollutants from various industries like water treatment system for distillery waste water.)
tannery, distillery, pulp & paper and textile. Waste
Water form such industries are rich in chlorine
residues, persistent organic pollutants, pesticides and Chapter 7 describes emerging techniques for the
dioxins which are liable to dark color of waste bioremediation of various environmental pollutants
water. For addressing and minimizing the concern using endophytes. In this chapter, a micro- organism
different Bioremediation technologies have been community recognized as Endophytes is discussed.
described like Phytoremediation, constructed wetland, Which is capable of reducing or minimizing the variety.
enzymatic waste treatment etc. Beside Bioremediation
technologies, some emerging technologies are also
described which include advanced oxidation Chapter 8 facilitates several physicochemical and
process photo- catalysis, membrane filtration etc biological wastewater treatment systems for the
and concluded with the merits and demerits. pulp and paper industry. There are eight bacterial
species, nine fungal species and three algal
Chapter 2 and 3 provide an overview of emerging species.
contaminants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
and endocrine disrupting chemicals which may Chapter 9 describes the potential of peroxides
cause various adverse impacts such as altering the enzymes, which are extracted and purified from
hormonal balance as well as breeding behavior of specific plants including turnip seed coat of
living beings and intimately liable to development soyabean pointed gourd white radish and some
deformities in human and animal as well. specific microbial species.
These chapters also focus on treatment approaches
like Ozonations, membrane filtration which have Chapter 10 focusing mainly on phytoremediation
been discussed in this chapter for the mitigation of technology. The accumulation of inorganic and
concerned contaminants. organic contaminants including pesticides, herbicides,
insecticides, DDT and metal in the marine ecosystem
Chapter 4 is dedicated to industrial waste water together with metalloids that can cause lethal
treatment using a submerged anaerobic membrane effects on the environment and organism has been
bioreactor. The Anammox procedure is found to addressed in detail. Algae are well known to be
be a promising method for the removal of ammonia – widely distributed on earth and adapted to different
rich wastewater. Anammox bioreactor has been habitats. It grows in a diverse variety and is
described as dedicated to the treatment of synthetic environmentally suited for waste water treatment
wastewater. and production of biofuel and other value added
products including food, fertilizer, pharmaceuticals
Chapter 5 is talks about EDCs (endocrine- disrupt- and Bio-fuel etc.
ing chemicals) a chemical class that can impact the
normal function of the human endocrine system The present book could be better if a few chapters
including those for animals. were added to it covering the in silico-technologies
Chlorophenols and pesticides are among EDCs and approaches. Silico methods are the emerging
which are released from different industrial sources. trends and are widely being used in bioremediation.
The impact of different EDCs is elaborated along Additionally environmental conservation and
with the removal of such compounds ethics in waste management also must be included.
from wastewater using a potential bacterial Besides these points the above book may be
system. Various bacterial suggested to a variety of professional scientist.
species and their mediated students, researchers etc having interest in
Biodegradation of EDCs have bioremediation technologies in an Eco-friendly
been summarized in detail for way.
their removal from various
industrial waste water. Moreover, this book further encourages the basic
Neha and specialized understanding of environmental
TGT, N. Sci. Chapter 6 emphasizes on issues among all. Readers will obtain useful
SKV, Madanpur micrological based management information and develop greater awareness about
Khadar, Ext. of alcohol distillery wastewa- environmental aspects & remedies.
Phase-3 ter. Its environmental
twu- 2023 xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ 15