Page 22 - magazine 1 august
P. 22

Suddenly......                                      things that happened with him. How they
            Hey, you, hey you I'm talking to you, can't         were stuck in the middle of the war and got
            you hear me? You know it is rude to ignore          transported here.
            when someone is talking to you.                     Aari said that she had heard a similar story
            (Ryan looked back); he saw a little girl behind     from  her grandpa and she believes that he
            him. She seemed to be 9 or 10 years old.....        and his family have somehow travelled ahead
            Hii, “who are you?” said Ryan.                      in time. They agreed that the only way to
                                                                return is by going through the same scenario
            Hello, I'm Aari, but why are your clothes so        or a black circle like a warp zone.
            weird? “Who wears these many layers, you
            look like an old  man from  yesteryear              After a long conversation Aari told Ryan
            movies”, said the little girl.                      more about the advanced technologies of the
            Huh? Isn't it 1940 said Ryan (looking               world in 2023.
            confused)                                           After a while, Ryan remembered he has left hi
            Are you crazy, it’s 2023 said Aari                  parents and sister behind. And said he needs
            What how is it possible? We were in the             to go now. They both bid farewell to each
            middle of the war and I was trying to find a        other, while going back  Ryan asked Aari
                                safe and secure place with      “what's your grandpa's name?” to which Aari
                                 my family to hide. The         smiled and said ‘RYAN’…..
                                 world war has began.           Suddenly…..
                                 (Ryan seemed  confident
                                 about it)                      “Ryan! wake up, you need to go to school,
              Manshi Rawat                                      your friend is waiting outside”, “hurry dear”,

                DBRA, SOSE       Both Aari and Ryan sat on      said Ryan's mom
              (Raj Niwas Marg)   a  nearby bench. Later,        Ryan woke up and said (baffled) the only way

                                 Ryan told Aari all the         to go back is really through the circle......

       20  xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ twu -2023
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