Page 21 - magazine 1 august
P. 21

Fiction Story

                  The way is through
                  The way is through

                                     the Circle…
                                    the Circle…

          M         umma! Papa! Where are we going?                 black circle in front of them. The car went
                                                                    straight into it and everything went into a

                    HURRY Up Ryan! we don’t have enough
                                                                    blackout. When Ryan gained back his
                    time to discuss about where we are going,       consciousness,  he found himself in a
                    your sister is already  ready. Be fast!         weird, different world.)
                    That was the first time in 11 years old         Ryan being  in a state  of shock started
                    Ryan’s life, when he saw his parents this       shouting “oh my god! Mom! Dad!, Where
                    much worried, tensed & in such a hurry.         are we? Where are the soldiers and tanks?
                    Later in the car, following an unknown          Everything looks completely different.”
                    route, the 11-year-old  Ryan saw  tanks,
                    guns and a lot of soldiers fighting in front    After a min. Ryan realized that his parents
                    of his eyes as the car passed through the       and sister haven't gained back their con-
                    road. Yeah, the year was 1940 and world         sciousness yet, He tried to wake them up
                    war 2 had began.                                but it looked like they were sleeping.
                                                                    Ryan who was merely a child was quite
                    Ryan – Ma, where are we going and what          excited to see the weird new world; he got
                    is happening  right  now? why are there         out of the car and started  roaming in the
                    fighter planes in the sky and soldiers in       streets.
                    the street?                                     He was shocked to see the people around
                                                                    him were a bit different, they were
                    Ryan’s mom said “Dear, the only thing           holding a weird bar like object, he was
                    you  need  to  know  right now  is  that we     elated to see giant and massive buildings,
                    need to find a safe and secure place to stay    There was also a four wheeled big vehicle
                    hidden from these people”.                      in  which  people  were going in  and
                                                                    coming out. Suddenly he felt that every-
                    (Suddenly they felt a tremor and saw a          one around him were also looking at him.

                                                                                                 twu- 2023  xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ  19
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