Page 6 - magazine 1 august
P. 6

Editor’s Choice



           W           aste management means the processes
                       and  actions  needed  to  manage  waste
                       right from  its  formation  to its  final
                       disposal.  These processes  include the
                       collection,  transport, treatment, and
                       disposal of waste.

                          Waste can be categorised as solid,
                       liquid, or gas and each type  of waste
                       needs a different  method of disposal
                       and management. The major sources of
                       these are industrial, biological, house-
                       hold, municipal, organic, biomedical,
                       and radioactive.

                          The aim of waste management is to
                       reduce the hazardous effects of such
                       waste on the environment and human
                       health. Industrialization and urbanization
                       for the sake of increment in living standards
                       has led to the generation of enormous
                       amount of waste that affects the environment
                       through their negative impact on fauna
                       and flora, and ultimately impacted on our         Solid waste management
                       health.                                           Solid waste is everything that goes to trash.
                                                                         It includes waste from homes,  offices,
                           The waste from landfills emits methane        stores, schools , hospitals, etc.
                       through decomposition, which is 80 times          Types of solid waste
                       more powerful than carbon dioxide.
                       Additionally, the illegal burning of waste        Biodegradable waste
                       releases high levels of carbon dioxide into       Biodegradable waste refers to the materials
                       the atmosphere, both of which are green-          that can be decomposed  by bacteria or
                       house gases that warm the planet and              other natural organisms,  without causing
                       contribute to climate change.                     pollution.

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