Page 7 - magazine 1 august
P. 7
Non-Biodegradable waste
Non-Biodegradable waste refers to
substances that cannot be broken
down by natural organisms and
therefore contribute to pollution.
Waste Management in Delhi
Delhi, one of the most populated
cities in India is a home to humans
as well as to wide variety of animals,
plants and trees. All these living beings receive the same treatment as their human counterparts when
it comes to waste management.
Let's explore Delhi’s waste management system so that we know what to do with garbage
generated at home.
Delhi's Waste Management Challenges of Waste
Systems Management in Delhi
The Delhi government is finalizing a Delhi is one of the most populous
comprehensive waste management cities in the world with more than 18
policy for proper waste management million people.
and disposal. This policy is going to
lay out a roadmap for managing the Approximately 9,000 tonnes of waste
waste in a scientific and sustainable is generated per day in Delhi. Most of
manner. the waste ends up in landfill sites
which are not only an eyesore but also
Establishmemt of a dedicated waste cause environmental pollution.
management authority would soon be A large proportion of Delhi’s population
completed which will be responsible living in slums poses another big
for implemention of the policy. The challenge.
authority will have This makes it
a team of experts for Graph showing annual waste production in Delhi difficult to
formulating and collect and
implementing effective dispose off the
waste management waste properly,
solutions. as there is
All stakeholders often no space
should be committed for bigger
to ensure that the garbage bins
city is clean and or collection
green. points.
twu- 2023 xÉ<Ç =cÉxÉ 5