Page 8 - magazine 1 august
P. 8

How to Prevent Waste?

             A lot of introspection is needed to answer
             this question. Prevention is better than cure
             and the same is true for waste management.
             A few things we can do to prevent generation
             of waste are:

             1. Say no to Single-use plastic: This is probably
             the most important thing  we can do to
             prevent waste. Single-use plastic is harmful
             to the environment as well as to our health.

             2. Be a conscious consumer: Be mindful of
             what you buy and how much of it you use. Do       Waste management in our School
             you really need that extra bottle of shampoo or
             can you make do with what you have?               • In our schools, we have separate bins for
                                                               biodegradable      and     non-biodegradable
             3. Composting: Composting is a great way          garbage collection in all classrooms.
             to reduce waste as it helps in breaking down      • There are employees  responsible for
             the organic matter into nutrient-rich manure      school  cleaning, sweeping, and managing
             which is needed to grow plants.                   school garbage.
                                                               • We have wheelie bins for carrying large
             4.  Recycling:  Recycling  gives  new life  to    amounts of garbage  from one place to
             materials that would otherwise end up in          another.
             landfill sites.                                   • We utilize the waste material to make decorative
             5. Upcycling: Upcycling involves repurposing      • The school management organizes competitions
             items into something of higher value or           on craft making using waste material.
             usefulness. For example, using an old t-shirt     • School organizes campaigns regarding
             as  a  dust  cloth  or  turning an  empty wine    waste management.
             bottle into a vase.
                                                               What I do to ensure waste management.
             Waste hierarchy (The 3 'R's)
                                                               • At home we put our kitchen garbage into
             Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – these three 'R's are     a pit  to let it decompose and use it as
             an important part of sustainable living, as       manure for plants.
             they help to cut down  on the amount of           • As a student, I always try to avoid usage of
             waste generated by us.                            non-biodegradable products.
                                                               • I use the bottles and other waste materials
             It's really simple!                               to decorate my house.
             ● Reduce the amount of waste you produce.         • I always try not to waste paper as it helps
             ● Reuse things as much as you can before          in saving trees and reduces garbage.
             replacing or throwing them away.                  • I always try to take my own bag for shopping.
             ● Recycle the items wherever possible.

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