Page 26 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 26

"Paryavaran  Hamara  Dayitva”                                             our work: Ensure universal
         It is very good to teach our young                                        access to affordable, reliable
         generation to love and appreciate                                         and modern energy services.
         the nature. Otherwise ,we should                                          THE     IMPORTANCE          OF
         take part in any environment                                              RENEWABLE ENERGY
         campaigns which  lead us to be
         kind to the Earth. It is important                                        They differ from fossil fuels prin-
         to keep the environment clean so                                          cipally in their diversity, abun-
         that all living things continue to                                        dance and potential for use
         live in comfort and safety.                                               anywhere  on  the  planet,  but
                                                                                   above all in that they produce
             As human beings we have a                                             neither greenhouse gases – which
         responsibility to protect our-                                            cause climate change – nor
         selves, each other and our envi-                                          polluting emissions.
         ronment. The  term environment
         refers to a complex set of social/-                                            Lack  of  access  to energy
         cultural conditions that affect an         Courtesy:  supplies and transformation
         individual  or community.  Human health and           systems is a constraint to human and economic
         well-being are intimately linked to the state of      development. The environment provides a
         the environment. Good quality natural environ-        series of renewable and non-renewable energy
         ments provide basic needs, in terms of clean air      sources i.e. solar, wind, hydro power, geothermal,
         and water, fertile land for food production, and      bio fuels, natural gas, coal, petroleum, uranium.
         energy and material inputs for production.            Increased use of fossil fuels without actions to
         Ways You Can Raise Awareness about                    mitigate greenhouse gases will have global
         Environmental Issues-                                 climate change implications. Energy efficiency and
         - Playing your part                                   increase use of renewables contribute to climate
         - Campaigns on social media;                          change mitigation and disaster risk reduction. Main-
         - Meeting  with government officials                  taining and protecting ecosystems allow using and
         - Holding  peaceful protests                          further developing hydropower sources of elec-
         - Recycling, reusing, and composting                  tricity and bioenergy.
         - Making better transport choices
         - Reducing your electricity usage                         Recent advances  in sustainable energy are
         - Buying local                                        encouraging signs for ensuring access to afford-
         - Donating to conservation groups                     able, reliable and modern energy for all. Access
         - Avoiding toxic chemicals                            to electricity is outpacing population growth in
         Hence, we should  practice an environment             many countries.
         friendly lifestyle to preserve it. It is the responsi-
         bility  of every person in checking the cause that        In addition, energy  efficiency continues to
         affect the environment.                               improve,  which is  offsetting carbon dioxide
                           “We won’t have a society if we      emissions,  reducing energy demand and
                             destroy the environment”.         making energy more  affordable. Although
                                                               renewable  energy  in the  electricity  sector has

                                 Sustainable Development       advanced rapidly, accelerated progress is also
                             Goal 7 (SDG7) calls for           needed  in the areas  of transport, heating and
                             “affordable, reliable, sustain-   cooling. Despite some steps forward, 41 per cent

            Anjana Dixit       able and modern energy for      of the world’s population still lack access to
                             all” by 2030. It's three core     clean cooking fuels and technologies. Overall,
             Nav Jeewan                                        progress on Goal 7 remains too slow to be on
            Model School     targets are the foundation for
                                                               track to meet the global energy targets for 2030.

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