Page 29 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 29

How is it better than existing technology?

          The earth is now witnessing an acute shortage        light-emitting nanoparticles. Researchers have
          of non renewable resources . As the electronic       envisioned that nanobionic plants with light
          equipments became a quintessential part of           emitting properties could be used to light
          our daily life .This is a high time to search for    indoor areas at low intensity  and can trans-
          an alternate source of energy .                      form trees into self-powered streetlights.

              At present, the nano-engineered watercress           Lighting,  which accounts for about  20
          plants can emit 50% less light in comparison to      percent of worldwide energy consumption,
          a  commercially  available 1-microwatt  LED.         seems like a logical next  target.  “Plants can
          However, a nanobionic plant is 100,000 times         self-repair, they have their own energy, and
          brighter than already existing genetically           they are already adapted to the outdoor
          engineered tobacco plants. This plant also has       environment,” Strano says. “We think this is
          the capacity to stop light emission by using a       an idea whose time has come. It’s a perfect
          compound  that inhibits the activity of              problem for plant nanobionics.

          Why do we need this technology?

                                            The 7 th goal      mind:
                                            of sustainable     1.Energy should be reliable , sustainable and
                                            development        realized at local levels .
                                            (SDG-7) is to      2. Should not cause any harm to the environ-
                                            ensure access to   ment at local or gobal level
                                            affo rd able       3. Should ensure that the future generations
                                            ,reliable          inherit a quality environment with a fair share
                                            ,sustainable       of earth’s resources.
          and modern energy for all. I think we can view           As mentioned above the nanoparticles used
          this technology as a promising and alternative       were classified as ‘generally regarded as safe’
          way to save energy on lighting. Development          by US Food and Drug Administration. The new
          should not be visualized in term s of economic       nanotechnology  based  method  developed  in
          growth only but in a holistic manner.                Strano’s lab could use any type of plant , for
                                                               example kale ,watercress arugula, and spinach
              The main aspect of sustainable development is    which is a good thing for our resources .
          handing over a safe , healthy and
          resourceful environment to our future                             This nano technology is a win-win
          generations.                                                 situation. The things we only imagine
                                                                       our great scientists make them reality.
          This is only possible if we stop over                        You might see your table lamp
          exploitation of resources,  reduce                           replaced by a plant and trees lining the
          waste discharge and emissions and               Lata         road  become  streetlights in the near
          maintain ecological balance .Before          G.G.S.S.S.      future!
          introducing a new technology we             Tukhmirpur       NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN
          should keep these points in our              North East      FAIRYTALE IN YOUR BACKYARD !

       1.Amar Ujala Newspaper 2. 3.
       4. plications  5. Image references
       Nf4MiAq7  6.  7.

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