Page 31 - december 2022 Nai Udaan
P. 31

A dish shattered on the floor. Rachel bent        The elevator rose and then came to a stop.
            down to pick it up.                               The doors opened and they all scrambled
                                                              into the spaceship.
            “  What’s  the matter? asked  her daughter
            Mary.                                             The children gasped when they saw how
                                                              high it was from the ground.
            Nothing dear,  Rachel  said.  Drink your
            juice. Our friends John and Joey will be          “Shouldn’t we tell them now?” asked
            here soon.                                        Rachel. “Shouldn’t we let them know it’s
                                                              their last look?”
            They heard a car’s horn, Frank  saw the
            other family was waiting for them by the          Yes, said Frank, “go ahead and tell them.”
            ground car.
            He turned to Rachel, “Should we lock the
            house?”                                           As Frank touched a switch, deep in the
                                                              spaceship a spark ignited the rocket. Frank
            “Does it matter?” Rachel replied sad heart-       reached  his  trembling hand  toward  the
            ed, turning away.                                 control button and saw that they were all
                                                              staring at him. He pressed it. The ship
            The  two families  rode  in silence  through      quivered for a second, and then they felt it
            the deserted streets. At the entrance to the      rushing up into the air, faster and faster.
            field Frank  warned, “Remember, not a
            word from any of you.”                            “You know where we are headed?
                                                              Frank’s friend asked him.
            The guard recognized Frank as the chief
            test pilot for the new spaceship. Frank           Frank leaned over the chart and pointed to
            informed the guard “My family and some            a planet far away in another part of space.
            friends are coming down to watch me take          ”Yes,”Frank replied, “that small  one over
            off.”                                             there, the one near that moon.”
            “That’s fine,”the guard replied and waved         “This  one, third from the Sun... replied
            them through.                                     Frank’s friend. I seached about this one and
                                                              it has better living condition for us.
            As they hurried to the spaceship, Frank
            stopped a moment leaned down, and                 ”That’s right,”Frank  said,“the one, third
            picked up some soil, Goodbye,he whis-             from the Sun. I call it Earth.”...
            pered, putting it in his pocket.

                  Sabita Varun
                  PGT Biology
                SV No- 1, Mori Gate

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