Page 7 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 7
They say these shifts bring tionately in the same places southeast Asia, a global hotspot
greater opportunities for as human settlements, of bat diversity.
viruses like Ebola or corona- creating new hotspots of spill
viruses to emerge in new over risk. Much of this "At every step," said Carlson,
areas, making them harder to process may already be "our simulations have taken
track, and into new types of underway in today's 1.2 us by surprise. We've spent
animals, making it easier for degrees warmer world, and years double-checking those
viruses to jump across a efforts to reduce greenhouse results, with different data
"stepping stone" species into gas emissions may not stop and different assumptions,
humans. these events from unfolding. but the models always lead us
to these conclusions. It's a
“The closest analogy is really stunning example of
actually the risks we see in the An additional important finding is just how well we can, actually,
wildlife trade," says the the impact rising tempera- predict the future if we try."
study's lead author Colin tures will have on bats, which
Carlson, PhD, an assistant account for the majority of As viruses start to jump
research professor at the novel viral sharing. Their between host species at
Center for Global Health ability to fly will allow them to unprecedented rates, the
Science and Security at travel long distances, and authors say that the impacts
Georgetown University Medical on conservation and human
Center. "We worry about health could be stunning.
markets because bringing
unhealthy animals "This mechanism adds
together in unnatu- yet another layer to
ral combinations how climate
creates change will
opportunities threaten
for this step- human and
wise process animal
of health," says
emergence the study's
- like how co-lead
SARS a uthor
j um ped Gregory
from bats Albery, PhD,
to civets, a postdoctoral
then civets to fellow in the
people. But Department of
markets Biology in the
aren't Georgetown
special University College
anymore; of Arts and Sciences.
in a changing climate, "It's unclear exactly how
that kind of process will be these new viruses might
the reality in nature just affect the species involved,
about everywhere." share the most but it's likely that many of
viruses. Because of their them will translate to new
central role in viral conservation risks and fuel
Of concern is that animal emergence, the greatest the emergence of novel
habitats will move dispropor- impacts are projected in outbreaks in humans."