Page 8 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 8

Altogether,     the
           study     suggests
           that       climate
           change         will
           become          the
           biggest  upstream
           risk factor for
           e me rg e nce -
           ex ceedi n g
           higher-pr ofi le
           issues like
           wildlife     trade,
           and      industrial
           agriculture. The
           authors say the
           solution is to pair
           wildlife   disease
           surveillance  with
           real-time studies of environmental change.           movements and interactions due to a warming
                                                                climate might increase the number of viruses
           "We're closer to predicting and preventing the       jumping between species."
           next pandemic than ever," says Carlson. "This
           is a big step towards prediction - now we have
           to start working on the harder half of the  Stopping spillover altogether is likely not
           problem."                                            possible. But the scientists  urge that invest-
                                                                ments in wildlife disease surveillance systems
           "The  COVID-19  pandemic, and the previous           can help raise the alarm when diseases do jump
           spread of SARS,  Ebola, and Zika,  show                  between species. Beyond that, we can work
           how a virus  jumping from animals  to                      to catch disease  outbreaks before they
           humans can have massive effects.  To                        become pandemics.
           predict their jump to humans, we need                             “We want to be building health care
           to  know about  their  spread  among                           systems    that    can    catch   these
           other animals," said Sam Scheiner, a                           outbreaks early, and keep them from
           program director  with  the  U.S.           Vinita Ranjan       spreading,” he says.
                                                      TGT Natural Science
           National Science Foundation (NSF).       RSKV ,New Ashok Nagar  “The solutions here lie on the human
           "This  research shows how animal                               side.”

            #FunFacts         Its Impossible to burp in space
                             When you  burp on Earth, gravity. Keeps  down  the
                              Solids and liquid – from the food you just ate,so only
                              the gas escapes from your mouth  In the absence of
                             gravity, the Gas Cannot separate from the liquids and
                             solids, so burping essentially turns into puking.
                          Nikhil Sharma

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