Page 9 - 4th edition Nayi Udaan
P. 9

Lockdown Diary

               Accessib                         le Holo                    gr       aphic
               Accessible Holographic


    A     round the  nation,  everybody  was frantically
          trying to adapt to closure of schools because
          of corona-virus  but working with students
          with special needs was the most challenging
          task. Transitioning to home-based interventions
          that  meet  the  individual  need  of  child  and
          managing with  their  behaviours through
          digital platforms was a major question for all
          the special educators because most of the
          parents rely on specialized  coaching and          students      This project ideated the concept
          instruction like cues or sensory activities that   related to 3D visualization for Children with
          keep them on task.                                 Special Needs.
              With the support  of parents, it became             Due to lack of resources,  this technology
          manageable to interact with the child through      advancement was not accessible for us.
          various digital  platforms. A fact  of  life  for       Further, I researched on how we can make
          these students is that they must deal with the     such things available for better Visualization
          extra burden of getting  accessible  materials     and the result was 3D projection which could
          before they can even tackle the content.           be accessed by students at home and can help
               Some students are better off learning in a    us to bridge the gap. Through the research I
          group,  while  others  fare  better  through       came across the concept  of making  “Holo-
          self-study.  Parents existence  was  another       gram” using smart phone.
          challenge, because of their work profile as it     You may be wondering what a hologram is? It
          became difficult for them to be present with       is a three-dimensional image formed by the
          the child and deliver concept clarity to them.     interference  of light  beams  from a laser  or
               This bridge was somehow covered through       other coherent light source. When it is lit with
          sharing of video links.                            a laser, holograms can duplicate 3D features
               I was still struggling with the gap during    and clone the same object as the original. I
          the period and came across a quote while               stumbled across a YouTube video where-
          researching by William Pollard “Learn-                    in the person explained on how we can
          ing and innovation go hand in hand’.                       create  a hologram  using  our smart
              This quote was persistently tweaking in                phone.
          my mind for long and one day, when I was
          working in the  kitchen using the                              Preparation of hologram helped to
          microwave for shrinking of pictures        Sumeet Kaur         bring in more conceptual clarity,
          using plastic as a project, I            TGT ,Special Education  enable  visualization of  abstract
          wondered  how  I can make use  of        SKV No. 3, Tilak Nagar  concepts,  and ensure  efficient
          technology to help meet the needs of                         communication with the students.
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